Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Is One Spiritual Enlightenment Master in The World , Not Plural Masters




FYI, there is not a woman on the planet who is "out of my league" .Women, you only want what you can't have or what another woman has. You were born with beauty, great. It can be a blessing or a curse.

Nudity and BDSM is a stepping stone to True Spiritual BDSM and Sacred Sexuality, if You Are Under the Leadership and Instruction of Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Then you will progress from Spiritual BDSM to True Spiritual Enlightenment. One of the key principles of the Master, Solus Dominus is that you must regain your
Spiritual Virginity, Which requires that you allow your mind-set to be altered ( in an extremely positive way ), so that you can delete all of the negative, toxic, pre-conceived ideas and false teaching of Yoga, Meditation, The New Age Melting Pot, Occult Practices, and many more...The Master is a Contrarian Master, Which means that most of his teaching, principles, protocol, rituals, applications, etc. go against what the Sheeple practice.
It is physical-realm human nature to run to Lies and run From Truth. This has been a fact of life, since there has been life on Earth.

spirituality, bdsm, #rituals #protocol #manifestation #occult #newage #spiritualvirginity #enlightenedmaster #enlightenedmasters ( there is ONE Master, not plural )

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