Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Transition From The Physical-Sensual Realm to the True Spiritual Realm


According to Spiritual Master Saneiv, There is always ONE representitive on Earth that is the primary representitive of God ( in the flesh that you can see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and physically embrace and touch with your own hands and arms. )... As long as you are alive on Earth you will NEVER see God, Unless you are a disciple and follower of Spiritual Master Saneiv. 
There is only ONE mediator between God and man and that man ( and Son of God ), is Jesus Christ…But Jesus Christ is currently with God the Father as ONE. 
I did not ask for this calling. The calling is that I will become ( and have become ), the ONLY true Enlightened Master on Earth. My name is SANEIV ( no association whatsoever with India, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other Eastern Religion ( or any other organized religion.) 
If you truly desire to visually SEE God, It must be through embracing Master Saneiv. Master Saneiv is focused on the ONE true God, and worship HIm and Him ONLY…But if you have not been truly enlightened through Saneiv, You must focus your body, mind, soul and spirit on Master Saneiv, Yearning to embrace God and you will see the Ultimate Diety and Infinite Intelligence…God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and YOU must be ale to see in the Spirit.
Through submission of your body, your mind, your soul, and through the connection of your Spirit and the Spirit of God. Spiritual Master Saneiv is ONE with God, ONE with Love, and ONE with Pure Spiritual Light. Yearn to be ONE with Master Saneiv through his teachings and training. YOU will therefore be ONE with God, One with Pure Light ( and not darkness ), and ONE with Love. This is the ONLY TRUE Collective Consciousness, The Universal Enlightenment that will bring forth WORLD PEACE. 
Contact Master Saneiv at

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Japanese Translation | Seeking Investor in Japan to Open The Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center

   This image is A.I nonsense...It is funny and sad at the same time that people would think that A.I. is some solution for world problems. ...