Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fake Martial Arts Master with 22 10th Degree Blackbelt...No different Than Yoga and New Age

Please do NOT listen to anyone who gives you advice on "how to find an enlightenment master"...This is a ludicrous concept, to find "a" spiritual master, like it's a multiple choice question. Saneiv, is the ONLY true enlightened spiritual master in the world, period ! Anyone else that claims that they are an enlightened master is nothing but the spiritually blind leading the blind. They do not know the true and pure light, Therefore it is impossible for them to be enlightened. Anything associated with Hinduism, Yoga, Taoism, Buddhism, or any other Eastern Organized Religion is NOT the answer. It is the proverbial solution for a problem that doesn't exist... All religions do NOT lead to God. Generally speaking, People are sheep and they are prone and programmed to run TO lies, and Run FROM truth. Something that might be very "popular" with the masses, Does NOT mean that it is true.

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Japanese Translation | Seeking Investor in Japan to Open The Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center

   This image is A.I nonsense...It is funny and sad at the same time that people would think that A.I. is some solution for world problems. ...