Spiritual Master Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world. There is no Facade of Piety, No Appearance Over Substance, No False Religious-Spiritual Pretense...All of Which Lead to Deception. Do you sincerely desire to attain true spiritual enlightenment? Will you run to Truth, and run from Lies ? If you run to Truth, this is contrary to the general public, but is foundational in Master Saneiv's instruction. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com or Saneiv.info@gmail.com
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Short message on motivation | #spiritualawakening #spirituality #spiritual #christianity #christian
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho) | Was Rajneesh a Superior Cult Leader?
Monday, February 26, 2024
Dark World of New Age Gurus in America and Europe | Pick Your Spiritual Leader Very Carefully
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Do Not Promote or Encourage Toxic Feminism or Feminists
Promote and encourage women with FEMININE traits, long, beautiful hair is obviously a positive asset. Do not promote or encourage toxic feminism.
Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety.
**Misogynistic** ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )
The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population.
Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...
What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.
This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?
Sunday, December 31, 2023
2024 Is The Year That You Need To Join The Master's Spiritual Community
Here is a simplified version of our
proposed budget for the Master's
Spiritual Community.
Philippines; $590K ( USD ) for a 5 year
Arizona; $600K ( USD ) for a 2 year budget
Texas; $600K ( USD ) for a 2 year budget
If you are a qualified investor, contact the
Master directly;
The Master, Solus Dominus, Is
The One and Only True Master
of Spiritual BDSM and Enlightenment.
Master is the Messenger of Infinite
Intelligence for Global Unity.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Private Room For Rent In The Master's Residence | Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment
Room For Rent With The Master $875 / Month in Apache Junction, Arizona
In 2024 you should make a commitment to actually be living with the Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM, Solus Dominus.
FYI, Even though I used specific tags, that does not mean that I endorse those topics. If you are using Yoga, thinking that it has some "spiritual" benefit, is a joke and has no use whatsoever. The same goes for Meditation. As it is taught today in society, Meditation is not only a complete waste of time, it is actually very toxic.
This is a "room for rent", roommate scenario, where you can live with the Master, Solus Dominus. Apache Junction, Arizona. $875 / month. Instruction Fees are already included in the rent amount. Out-of-Area students must locate at your own expense.
The "stepping stone" to attain true enlightenment is The Master's teaching of Spiritual BDSM.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment Through The One True Master, Solus Dominus
Guaranteed that if you join Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM, that you will belong to the family that you have always wanted, You will have a true and rewarding purpose in life, and you will experience true love and happiness, and that is just the start when you are a follower of The Master.
2024 Should Be The Year That You Need to Join The Spiritual Master's Co-Op Community
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Friday, December 22, 2023
The Female Form Is The Highest Expression of Natural Art
Enlightened Master, Solus Dominus | #enlightenmentmaster #solusdominus
In 2023, It's almost a vanilla-concept to think of Polyamory as one male and two females in a relationship / family dynamic. If any Dominant cannot control, dominate, lead, teach and mentor just two women...Then he's got some other problems going on. The photo above is a starting point for The Master's co-op community. When a Poly relationship is sex-based, it is easy to spot it in a photo and which female is the newest member of the relationship...The females ( almost ) always will transition to younger and younger women ( and I hope the men in these relationships will always stop at females who are 18+ )...This is all contrary to the policies of The Master's co-op community / communal living environment. Gradually, Additional females will be added to the Community. Never will they be added based on their younger age. No one under 18 will be allowed to be a member of the community. Crazy to one person is the Great Life Calling to another...Their Higher Purpose from The Highest Power that exists...It just clicks one moment, When they KNOW that they KNOW, That this is the right choice for their life, and for their afterlife for eternity. The Comprehensive message of The Master ( Solus Dominus ), is ultimately more important than the level of Charisma that The Master has or does not have. This is not a Charisma-based group. But, in some ways, You might consider it a Contrarian Leader based group. The Master, Solus Dominus, is like no other Master-Leader that has ever existed; If you think that you know any of the following topics, or teachings and that in your current physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual state, that you can comprehend anything that Solus Dominus has to teach you...then, you are probably not a candidate to be trained by The Master...The proverbial statement is true; Many are Called, But Few Are Chosen. Master does not care if you are E-cup or flat chested. What matters is your obedience, dedication, attitude, loyalty, work ethic...honor, respect and worship of The Master. Brats and Crazy Bitches are not tolerated, and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Every member of the co-op community will be trained, collared and owned. If you are a couple, the female will be re-trained, co-collared and co-owned. This does not mean that The Master will have sexual access to your wife, girlfriend, or sub...But it does mean that The Master will be in a partnership in your relationship for Domination, Discipline, her submission, and appropriate punishment when needed. Controlling, Domination, and Obedience of the submissive, along with Appropriate Punishment, is more important to The Master than vanilla sex. Obedience Training is available for your wife, GF, etc... for Passive males who can't really comprehend what their female wants and needs as far as Masculine Domination of a female. You Must Be Willing to Give Up What You Are to Become What You Will Be. The message can only go as far as the dollar will carry it. There is no other reason, no hidden agenda, and that includes the need for financial and/or volunteer help. It is a straight-forward and completely honest request for ANY amount of financial assistance and any level of volunteer work. Here are two Facts that profoundly affect your life ( and afterlife ), whether you realize it or not; Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM. If this was the only fact that you knew in life, It would be more than enough reason for you to fully-dedicate your life to Solus Dominus. I won't comment on the specific religious views of specific religions, considering that the teachings of Solus Dominus are not a religion. Contrary to viewpoints of others, You can be assured by Solus Dominus that you will be in Heaven ( which is an Infinite Spiritual Dimension, and Your Afterlife existence will be determined by Solus Dominus, Depending on what you have done to deserveHeaven, as a Follower of Solus Dominus. It is irrelevant what any human-created religion is preaching, Regardless how many millions of followers they have. Millions of followers does not translate to Inherent Truth in what they are teaching and preaching. You work your way to Heaven, But it is not just the work that redeems you, it is your attitude ( in submission to Solus Dominus ), and the focus of your actions towards The Master ( singular, There is One Master, the definition of Solus Dominus ); For example; Spiritual Dancing ( clothing optional ) is never to build self or ego, it must always be dancing to honor, respect and worship The Master, which will Manifest Spiritual benefits on your path to Enlightenment. This is not a general term of Enlightenment, It is very specific, Because there is only One Source of True Enlightenment and Love. Have you ever thought about being in a Communal Living Environment ( co-op community ) , with like-minded people ? Do you want to find out what your true life purpose is ? This s the greatest cause that has ever existed, Master Solus Dominus does not preach some abstract theory about attaining "world peace" ( of course, decade after decade, century after century, world peace never happens )...This is the Spiritual Enlightenment ( not religious ) Movement of Solus Dominus , The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. This movement must be established on a local basis, and also go global, Before it is too late. Join us so that we can do this together.
There is One and Only One True Spiritual Master of Enlightenment | #enlightenedmaster
In 2023, It's almost a vanilla-concept to think of Polyamory as one male and two females in a relationship / family dynamic. If any Dominant cannot control, dominate, lead, teach and mentor just two women...Then he's got some other problems going on. The photo above is a starting point for The Master's co-op community. When a Poly relationship is sex-based, it is easy to spot it in a photo and which female is the newest member of the relationship...The females ( almost ) always will transition to younger and younger women ( and I hope the men in these relationships will always stop at females who are 18+ )...This is all contrary to the policies of The Master's co-op community / communal living environment. Gradually, Additional females will be added to the Community. Never will they be added based on their younger age. No one under 18 will be allowed to be a member of the community. Crazy to one person is the Great Life Calling to another...Their Higher Purpose from The Highest Power that exists...It just clicks one moment, When they KNOW that they KNOW, That this is the right choice for their life, and for their afterlife for eternity. The Comprehensive message of The Master ( Solus Dominus ), is ultimately more important than the level of Charisma that The Master has or does not have. This is not a Charisma-based group. But, in some ways, You might consider it a Contrarian Leader based group. The Master, Solus Dominus, is like no other Master-Leader that has ever existed; If you think that you know any of the following topics, or teachings and that in your current physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual state, that you can comprehend anything that Solus Dominus has to teach you...then, you are probably not a candidate to be trained by The Master...The proverbial statement is true; Many are Called, But Few Are Chosen. Master does not care if you are E-cup or flat chested. What matters is your obedience, dedication, attitude, loyalty, work ethic...honor, respect and worship of The Master. Brats and Crazy Bitches are not tolerated, and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Every member of the co-op community will be trained, collared and owned. If you are a couple, the female will be re-trained, co-collared and co-owned. This does not mean that The Master will have sexual access to your wife, girlfriend, or sub...But it does mean that The Master will be in a partnership in your relationship for Domination, Discipline, her submission, and appropriate punishment when needed. Controlling, Domination, and Obedience of the submissive, along with Appropriate Punishment, is more important to The Master than vanilla sex. Obedience Training is available for your wife, GF, etc... for Passive males who can't really comprehend what their female wants and needs as far as Masculine Domination of a female. You Must Be Willing to Give Up What You Are to Become What You Will Be. The message can only go as far as the dollar will carry it. There is no other reason, no hidden agenda, and that includes the need for financial and/or volunteer help. It is a straight-forward and completely honest request for ANY amount of financial assistance and any level of volunteer work. Here are two Facts that profoundly affect your life ( and afterlife ), whether you realize it or not; Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM. If this was the only fact that you knew in life, It would be more than enough reason for you to fully-dedicate your life to Solus Dominus. I won't comment on the specific religious views of specific religions, considering that the teachings of Solus Dominus are not a religion. Contrary to viewpoints of others, You can be assured by Solus Dominus that you will be in Heaven ( which is an Infinite Spiritual Dimension, and Your Afterlife existence will be determined by Solus Dominus, Depending on what you have done to deserveHeaven, as a Follower of Solus Dominus. It is irrelevant what any human-created religion is preaching, Regardless how many millions of followers they have. Millions of followers does not translate to Inherent Truth in what they are teaching and preaching. You work your way to Heaven, But it is not just the work that redeems you, it is your attitude ( in submission to Solus Dominus ), and the focus of your actions towards The Master ( singular, There is One Master, the definition of Solus Dominus ); For example; Spiritual Dancing ( clothing optional ) is never to build self or ego, it must always be dancing to honor, respect and worship The Master, which will Manifest Spiritual benefits on your path to Enlightenment. This is not a general term of Enlightenment, It is very specific, Because there is only One Source of True Enlightenment and Love. Have you ever thought about being in a Communal Living Environment ( co-op community ) , with like-minded people ? Do you want to find out what your true life purpose is ? This s the greatest cause that has ever existed, Master Solus Dominus does not preach some abstract theory about attaining "world peace" ( of course, decade after decade, century after century, world peace never happens )...This is the Spiritual Enlightenment ( not religious ) Movement of Solus Dominus , The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. This movement must be established on a local basis, and also go global, Before it is too late. Join us so that we can do this together.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
You Can Only Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment Through Master Solus Dominus
The first thing that you need to remember, related to the entire subject of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM, is that India, and so-called spiritual masters, gurus, etc. and/or have come from India to the U.S., and Europe ( affluent countries ), are NOT Enlightened in any way, shape or form. India is NOT a spiritual "mecca" ( for lack of a better term ). Meditation ( Meditation, as currently practiced in the world today, is complete nonsense, other than it is a cult tactic for manipulation and brainwashing. ) Yoga is a toxic practice and those toxic elements will happen to you, sooner or later.
There are so many elements of the Master's teaching, this short message is not the time and place to go into the details...Here are a few topics; unconditional love, The Master's principles, protocol and benefits of Polyamory ( not Polygamy ), getting all of the ATTENTION and AFFECTION that you deserve and crave. Knowing the differences between nudity and sex, affection and sex, appropriate attention...this is NOT a sex cult or sex commune. It is a place to learn, love and develop into an Enlightened, Evolved Spiritual Being...You must first learn what True Physical and Spiritual Submission consists of, as you move more and more from the Physical-realm to the Spiritual-realm...You can only attain TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment through The Master, Solus Dominus. The Master is Contrarian. If you are a follower of a false teacher, so-called guru, etc. , usually through the "new age melting pot", and have been indoctrinated and content with the "popular" so-called spiritual benefits of Yoga and Meditation ( which, in reality, are extremely Toxic and are of no benefit...even the ( physical ) stretching methods and poses are not worth the risk of being involved in Yoga. Truth is very seldom "popular", and the fact that Yoga and Meditation ( as being currently taught around the world ), are very popular, should be a red flag...The "sheeple" usually lack discernment and insight, and the Yoga and Meditation instructors at the top of the pyramid, or the leader of one of the many cults that are Yoga and Meditation based, are nothing but the Spiritually Blind Leading, Leading The Spiritually Blind ...Solus Dominus
Thursday, December 14, 2023
1World1People1Master1Way.com #spirituality #enlightenment #yogaistoxic
The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice
There are so many elements of the Master's teaching, this short message is not the time and place to go into the details...Here are a few topics; unconditional love, The Master's principles, protocol and benefits of Polyamory ( not Polygamy ), getting all of the ATTENTION and AFFECTION that you deserve and crave. Knowing the differences between nudity and sex, affection and sex, appropriate attention...this is NOT a sex cult or sex commune. It is a place to learn, love and develop into an Enlightened, Evolved Spiritual Being...You must first learn what True Physical and Spiritual Submission consists of, as you move more and more from the Physical-realm to the Spiritual-realm...You can only attain TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment through The Master, Solus Dominus. The Master is Contrarian. If you are a follower of a false teacher, so-called guru, etc. , usually through the "new age melting pot", and have been indoctrinated and content with the "popular" so-called spiritual benefits of Yoga and Meditation ( which, in reality, are extremely Toxic and are of no benefit...even the ( physical ) stretching methods and poses are not worth the risk of being involved in Yoga. Truth is very seldom "popular", and the fact that Yoga and Meditation ( as being currently taught around the world ), are very popular, should be a red flag...The "sheeple" usually lack discernment and insight, and the Yoga and Meditation instructors at the top of the pyramid, or the leader of one of the many cults that are Yoga and Meditation based, are nothing but the Spiritually Blind Leading, Leading The Spiritually Blind
( Solus Dominus )
Spiritual Enlightenment For Japan | 世界と日本国民にとって唯一の真の悟りを開いた精神的指導者、サネイブ Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu
__ 世界と日本国民にとって唯一の真の悟りを開いた精神的指導者、サネイブ Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu _____...

I think that this woman is very beautiful, but huge boobs on a young woman really isn't a blessing because it attracts the wrong at...