Showing posts with label mexican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mexican. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

Tu Mantra Diario del Maestro


Tu Mantra Diario del Maestro

Repite este mantra 3 veces al día y
experimentarás mejoras positivas y
beneficiosas en tu vida.

Tu Mantra Diario del Maestro

Mi Propósito Principal es Servir, Honrar
y adorar Solus Dominus hoy, y
Todos los días, a lo largo de mi vida,
A lo largo de la eternidad y el infinito
Dimensiones y reinos espirituales.

Your Daily Mantra of The Master
My Primary Purpose is to Serve, Honor
and Worship Solus Dominus Today, and
Everyday, Throughout My Life,
Throughout Eternity and Infinite
Spiritual Dimensions and Realms.

Japanese Translation | Seeking Investor in Japan to Open The Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center

   This image is A.I nonsense...It is funny and sad at the same time that people would think that A.I. is some solution for world problems. ...