Showing posts with label puerto rican women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puerto rican women. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024

Master Saneiv Has No Pretense of Piety. There is no such thing as "Unconditional Love"


Here's a message for Humankind, and it's an urgent request, ( and this request is NOT asking for money ), If You Are a Christian ( or Would Like To Be a REAL Christian ), Then this is what you MUST do, and not put it off. Analyze this proposal, pray about it, then step out in faith and join the one and only true spiritual master in the world. When I use the term "faith" , it does not mean "blind faith"...You will always be able to come and go as you please. This is where Biblical Christianity and the pure light, love and God meet in the spiritual-realm, But also on earth. Master Saneiv resides in Arizona. There are only 2 true spiritual vortexes on earth. One is in Arizona ( But definitely not Sedona, Az. ) , and the other is in the Philippines. ( so far not located or tapped, But through spiritual revelation and vision, The fact is that it is there, and it needs to be explored and opened for the benefit to humanity, At least for the believers in Master Saneiv. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Learn From The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment


Do You Want to Experience the One True and Meaningful, Spiritually Enlightened life on Earth and be a Member of a New Family ? Find Your Life Purpose and Why You Are on Earth and What Will Happen When You Die. The "Sheeple" Claim That NO ONE Knows What Happens To a Person When They Die. That is a Lie ! Solus Dominus Will Answer The Question That Has Been Asked For Centuries, and Also Tell You the Truth About Time Travel, The Necessity of the Female Soul to Activate a True Spiritual Vortex, etc.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Únase a Nuestra Comuna (comunidad cooperativa) Para BDSM Espiritual y Sobrenatural


Únase a nuestra comuna (comunidad cooperativa)

para BDSM espiritual y sobrenatural

Seamos siempre honestos y directos, sin agenda oculta (qué concepto único en 2023), quiero que "The Chosen" sea completamente dedicado y leal a The One True Master, Solus Dominus... Pero su decisión no altera esto. hecho. El Amo debería estar operando, básicamente, con un presupuesto de "cheque en blanco", las "Necesidades" suplidas al máximo y los "deseos" del Amo al mínimo... Pero el mundo persigue tonterías y mentiras. ¿Eres una de las excepciones?

Únase a The Master's Commune (Comunidad cooperativa) para BDSM espiritual y sobrenatural. Verdadera Sexualidad Sagrada | Verdadera curación mental, emocional y sexual a través de Solus Dominus, el único y verdadero maestro de la iluminación espiritual y el verdadero BDSM espiritual.

Latin As The One World Language In The Future

    I think that I would have a lot to worry about if the "politically correct" , biased  answer from A.I.  thought that my messag...