Showing posts with label spiritual vortex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual vortex. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Spiritual Realm Has Started a New Era and It Is Through Enlightened Master Saneiv

 Spiritual Master Saneiv Has Allowed 2 Realities That Have Always Been "Impossible" to the world...1) Time Travel to Alter the Past ( and only elite enlightened disciples are allowed this responsibility ), 2) Actually attaining WORLD PEACE, through the collective consciousness of HIS enlightened ones.

All adult women 18+ is welcome to join Master Saneiv's Spiritual Enlightenment Center, Arizona 85120...but you need to bring more to the table than your big tits.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Only Females Can Attain Deity Status and Only Through Master Solus Dominus


Focus Your Dance to Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of

Spiritual Enlightenment, and It Will Be Part of Your Stepping Stone

To Your Own Enlightenment, Someday You Will Attain ( Male )

Spiritual Enlightenment Master, or ( Female ) Goddess. 

Only an Enlightened Female Through Solus Dominus, Can Embrace

and Become One With The Master, To Open The True Spiritual Vortex,

and hint, hint, It's not in Sedona, Arizona. It's in South East Asia and will

not be revealed until the Chosen Goddess , attends the location with The Master.

The Chosen Goddess can be currently residing in any country, But this historical

event will not happen until the co-op community is developed through the right

investor(s). It is not a "return on investment" type of venture. This is the time in

world history that the Truth, the Answers will be revealed to mankind. Otherwise,

War, Famine, and Disease will destroy Planet Earth. This has been revelated to 

Master Solus Dominus through Revelation and Vision.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Investors and members For True Spiritual Enlightenment


This Will Be Repetitive , But I Needs to be Said, Apparently Over and Over.

This will be a very simple message, But the positive effects of The Master's Training can change the world. Who is The Master ? Solus Dominus ( Latin to English translation = One Master ), The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, and the Master of Spiritual BDSM ( which is the best method of transitioning from the Physical-realm to the Spiritual-Realm. Once You have been taught to be in the continual Spiritual-realm, Then and only then, Will you be on the Spiritual Journey to True Enlightenment through Solus Dominus.

Even though I use #Yoga as a tag, I do not endorse, promote, or agree with Yoga if you are attempting to use Yoga for any spiritual benefits. Yoga is toxic, and sometimes, extremely toxic. Most of the horrific cults have had a foundation in Yoga. Very easy to find information on "Yoga Cults" on YouTube.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Why You Should Start Packing Your Bags to Join The Master


  • The best reason why you should “invest” yourself in The Master’s Co-Op Community; The Master, Solus Dominus, is the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. The Master is not “one of the many” so-called “masters”, gurus, etc. that claim to be spiritually enlightened. When in reality, They are nothing more than the “blind leading the blind”. Plural masters do not exist. You will hear this statement several times on this blog; Human Nature is that most of the general population will run TO lies, and run FROM the Truth. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The physical-realm can be enjoyed in the right circumstances | Enlightened Masters


The physical-realm can be enjoyed in the right circumstances, as you gradually transition into the Spiritual-Real, Through the teaching of Solus Dominus, The Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Not "one of" multiple masters, But I speak with the only Spiritual Authority on Earth. Solus Dominus did not say "the only RELIGIOUS authority" ...Religion is a human creation. The authority of Solus Dominus is the ONLY authority in the Spiritual Realm, Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. 

You will never doubt your Life Purpose is. You can come and go as you please. You can talk to whoever you want to...But you cannot do whatever you want, and if Master allowed you to "do whatever you want", Then that would not be Love. 

Solus Dominus is Latin for "One Master"...There is ONE Master, and the concept of "many masters" is Ludicrous, and is nothing but the blind leading the blind. 

What is being taught as "Spiritual BDSM" is also Ludicrous. What you do not understand does not reduce or eliminate what is Fact and Truth. Solus Dominus speaks with Spiritual Authority. If you want to fill the void that is in your heart, and in every heart on Earth, Solus Dominus is the answer. 

Solus Dominus is seeking followers who know deep inside their Destiny is far beyond their current existence, "There has to be more to life"...There is, But if you cannot be in submission to Solus Dominus, You will never experience your TRUE Destiny and Life Purpose. 

There is a Spiritual Vortex in Arizona, But it not in Sedona ( which is the so-called "enightenment" capital of the United States, But I will repeat the statement, It is nothing more than the "blind leading the blind" and a "new age melting pot" tourist trap...The Revelation of True Enlightenment of Solus Dominus happened at sites in Arizona , and students / followers will accompany Solus Dominus to these locations. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

The Master of Spiritual Enlightenment Will Transform You


There is no reason why the Master's message doesn't embrace the entire

world, Other than lack of funding funding. One of the great evils in the world

today and throughout history, is that "money goes to the WRONG people, enabling them to go in the WRONG direction, and possibly taking you with them." The message can only go as far as the dollar can carry it"...

I don't know who started the concept that co-op communities ( communes ) should be out in the desert or other barren land...There is no reason ( other than funding ), why our commune cannot be located at the beach, waterfront property.

And it is even easier to afford in the Philippines. Commune will be U.S. Based , but also in the Philippines. 

I posted; "How to Start The Ultimate Commune, You sign up here"....First, You Need to Define THEIR term "Cult" ( which is always toxic ), and the Reality that there is not only a non-toxic Commune, There is an Incredibly Beneficial Commune that will be the Ultimate Co-op Community of like-minded individuals and YOUR New Family of Unconditional Love and Acceptance.

Don't let the definition of a "cult" hold you back from enjoying life

in our co-op community. 

1)A system of religious veneration ( respect ) and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

2) A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange.

But to an Atheist, EVERY religion is incredibly "strange", so the definition is

based in the eye of the beholder.

Use of certain tags is not an endorsement of each topic or individual

Tags; spiritualenlightenment , spiritualawakening , innerguidance , highervibration , lawofattraction , spiritualhealing , lawofattractionquotes , spirituality , spiritualjourney , spiritualgrowth , soulguidance , soulpurpose , universalguidance , spiritualbeing , spiritualbeings , enlightenment , thehigherself , raiseyourvibration , spiritualconnection , higherself , manifestation , higherawareness , manifesting , sourceenergy , affirmationoftheday , divineguidance , trusttheuniverse , manifestations , spiritualawareness , spiritualevolution ,  paulawhite ,  , hillsongworship , bobbiehouston , juanitabynum  christiangirls , christianwomen , christiandating , christianmingle , sacred sexuality, spiritual bdsm, shaman, guru, lifecoach. 
Tags; #love #instagood #fashion #photooftheday #beautiful #art #photography   #happy #picoftheday #cute #follow #tbt #followme #nature #like4like #travel #instagram #style #repost #winter #instadaily #selfie #me #friends #fitness #girl #food #fun #beauty #instalike #smile #family #photo #life #likeforlike #music #ootd #follow4follow #makeup #amazing #igers #nofilter #dog #model #sunset #beach #instamood #foodporn #motivation #followforfollow, #tealswan #spirituality #spiritualjourney #love #shadowwork #quantumphysics #selfcare #starseed #osho #eckharttolle #nikolatesla #stephenhawking #aristotle #relationshipgoals #quantumjumping #karma #awakening #selfsabotage #waynedyer #mattkahn #manipulationofenergy #tealswanquotes #akashic #lawofatraction #braneandstringtheory #relativity #dolorescannon #selfforgiveness #everythingismadeofenergy #quantumentanglement  #astrology #nostradamus #omnism #raiseyourvibration #selflove #consciousness #evetterose #joedispenza #star #meditation #quotes #physics #languagesoflove #poetry #healthyrelationship #healthyrelationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #healingbylove #lovequotesfeelingss #mindfulness #twinflamesurrender #healthylovers #relationshipcoaches #sadhguru #awareness #donmiguelruizquotes #abrahamhicks #tealswanthespiritualcatalyst #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening #innerguidance #highervibration #lawofattraction #spiritualhealing #lawofattractionquotes #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #soulguidance #soulpurpose #universalguidance #spiritualbeing #spiritualbeings #enlightenment #thehigherself #raiseyourvibration #spiritualconnection #higherself #manifestation #higherawareness #manifesting #sourceenergy #affirmationoftheday #divineguidance #trusttheuniverse #manifestations #spiritualawareness #spiritualevolution #higherfrequency #spiritual #synchronicity #higherawakening #soulgrowth #highvibration #lightworker #spiritualguidance #thirdeyethoughts #highervibrations #manifestingmagic #awakenedsoul #meditation #universalenergy #spiritualdevelopment #commandinglife #lovefrequency #highestself #wholeness #dailyaffirmations #healingquotes #innerwisdom #audreykitching #dailyaffirmation #affirmation #likeattractslike #awakening #spiritualpath #theuniversehasyourback #affirmations #suicideprevention #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #suicide #suicideawarness #ptsd #mentalillness #selfcare #suicideawareness #love #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #mentalhealthadvocate #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #suicidepreventionmonth #selflove #recovery #youarenotalone #trauma #mentalhealthrecovery #hope #bipolar #loveyourself #mentalwellness #anxietyawareness #therapy #healing #suicidepreventionawareness #help #support #bekind #stress #itsokaynottobeokay #motivation #awareness #ptsdawareness #youmatter #mentalhealthquotes #wellness #worldsuicidepreventionday #sad #suicideawarenessmonth #community #suicidepreventionday #psychology #suicidequote #health #mentalhealthblogger #breakthestigma #anxietysupport #art #covid #mindfulness #life #quotes #anxietyrelief, 

Tags; love,  instagood, photooftheday,  beautiful, art,  photography, happy, picoftheday, cute , follow, tbt,  followme,  nature,  like4like,  travel,  instagram ,  repost,   #instadaily , #me , friends, fitness, girl,  motivation,  tealswan , spirituality, spiritualjourney,  love, shadowwork,  quantumphysics,  selfcare,  starseed,  #osho , ( osho is a joke ) , eckharttolle , nikolatesla,  stephenhawking , aristotle,  relationshipgoals , quantumjumping , karma,  awakening,  selfsabotage,   awareness,  tealswanthespiritualcatalyst,  spiritualenlightenment,  spiritualawakening,  innerguidance , highervibration,  lawofattraction,  spiritualhealing,  lawofattractionquotes,  spirituality,  spiritualjourney,  spiritualgrowth,  soulguidance,  soulpurpose,  universalguidance,  spiritualbeing,  spiritualbeings,  enlightenment,  thehigherself raiseyourvibration,  spiritualconnection,  higherself,  manifestation,  higherawareness,  manifesting, , teal swan, tealswanquotes, spiritual vortex, vortex
Hash Tags; #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening #innerguidance #highervibration #lawofattraction #spiritualhealing #lawofattractionquotes #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #soulguidance #soulpurpose #universalguidance #spiritualbeing #spiritualbeings #enlightenment #thehigherself #raiseyourvibration #spiritualconnection #higherself #manifestation #higherawareness #manifesting #sourceenergy #affirmationoftheday #divineguidance #trusttheuniverse #manifestations #spiritualawareness #spiritualevolution
uantumleap #astrology #nostradamus #omnism #raiseyourvibration #selflove #consciousness #evetterose #joedispenza #star #meditation #quotes #physics #languagesoflove #poetry #healthyrelationship #healthyrelationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #healingbylove #lovequotesfeelingss #mindfulness #twinflamesurrender #healthylovers #relationshipcoaches #sadhguru #awareness #donmiguelruizquotes #abrahamhicks #tealswanthespiritualcatalyst #tealswanofficial  #tealswan #spirituality #spiritualjourney #love #shadowwork #quantumphysics #selfcare #starseed #osho #eckharttolle #nikolatesla #stephenhawking #aristotle #relationshipgoals #quantumjumping #karma #awakening #selfsabotage #waynedyer #mattkahn #manipulationofenergy #tealswanquotes #akashic #lawofatraction #braneandstringtheory #relativity #dolorescannon #selfforgiveness #everythingismadeofenergy #quantumentanglement #yoga yoga
#suicideprevention #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #suicide #suicideawarness #ptsd #mentalillness #selfcare #suicideawareness #love #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #mentalhealthadvocate #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #suicidepreventionmonth #selflove #recovery #youarenotalone #trauma #mentalhealthrecovery #hope #bipolar #loveyourself #mentalwellness #anxietyawareness #therapy #healing #suicidepreventionawareness #help #support #bekind #stress #itsokaynottobeokay #motivation #awareness #ptsdawareness #youmatter #mentalhealthquotes #wellness #worldsuicidepreventionday #sad #suicideawarenessmonth #community #suicidepreventionday #psychology #suicidequote #health #mentalhealthblogger #breakthestigma #anxietysupport #art #covid #mindfulness #life #quotes #anxietyrelief #communalliving #coliving #community #cohousing #india #interiordesign #commune #hmo #houseshare #studentlife #architecture #communal #property #urbangardening #design #divestmentcoach #divest #farming #urbanfarming #urbanfarmer #femalefarmer #femalefarmerproject #urbangarden #home #queerfarmers #growfood #growfoodnotlawns #optionsovereverything #growfoodnotgrass #foodnotlawns  #sustainableagriculture #resilientagriculture #colivingspace #urbanfarm #accommodation #divestedblackwoman #london #farmlife #nomatterwhat #youfirst #femaleprogression #womenwhogetit #girlsupportinggirls #swirlgirl #evolveordie #divestedblackgirls #divestedswirlgirl #stepintoit #mindshift #perspective #accountabilitymatters #yourpath #choosewhatsbest #u #noweapon #yourjourney #newtribeseeker #newtribebuilder #superscape #environmental #environment #sustainability #ecofriendly #environmentallyfriendly #climatechange #sustainable #nature #environmentalist #green #zerowaste #recycle #sustainableliving #eco #environmentalism #savetheplanet #gogreen #construction #earth #plasticfree #environmentalscience #environmentaleducation #ecology #conservation #recycling #environmentaljustice #environmentalawareness #greennewdeal #globalwarming #climate #art #environmentalart #environmentalprotection #pollution #climatecrisis #cannabis #climateaction #imwithjill #assange #revolution #vegan #climatechangeisreal #engineering #savetheearth #marijuana #water #resist #greenparty #greens #progressive #makeamericagreenagain #votegreen #greenenter #progressives #greaterevil #greatergood #ajamubaraka #demexit #environmentfriendly #safety #love #instagood #like #follow #instagram #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #bhfyp #happy #picoftheday #art #life #cute #smile #likeforlikes #instadaily #nature #me #style #followme #likes #beauty #instalike #followforfollowback #photo #music #travel #model #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #coach #mindset #inspiration #selflove #life #selfcare #success #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #loveyourself #meditation #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #fitness #positivevibes #motivationalspeaker #businesscoach #personalgrowth #business #wellness #quotes #positivity #leadership #spirituality #inspirationalquotes #growth #lifelessons #mentor #transformation #growthmindset #mindsetcoach #empowerment #instagood #lifecoachforwomen #happy #health #healthcoach #gratitude #selfdevelopment #healthylifestyle #spiritualawakening #selfhelp #lifecoachingtips #lawofattraction #inspire #believe #anxiety #confidence #relationships #christian #jesus #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #relationships #love #relationshipgoals #relationship #dating #marriage #couples #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #life #lovequotes #quotes #relationshipadvice #selflove #couple #family #romance #mentalhealth #goals #follow #instagood #happiness #selfcare #instagram #happy #bhfyp #healing #like #motivation #boyfriend #girlfriend #wife #tradwife #traditionalwife #1950lifestyle #gothgirl #goth #gothic #alternativegirl #alternative #gothaesthetic #gothgoth #altgirl #grunge #gothicstyle #emo #gothicgirl #gothfashion #emogirl #alternativefashion #dark #gothmakeup #gothstyle #metalhead #aesthetic #makeup #alt #egirl #metalgirl #punk #metal #gothicfashion #halloween #gothmodel #gothgirls #girlswithtattoos #grungegirl #altmodel #model #alternativestyle #vampire #piercings #alternativemodel #darkaesthetic #altfashion #girlswithpiercings #black #art #grungeaesthetic #tattoos #cute #witchesofinstagram #rock #gothboy #tattoo #nugoth #selfie #fashion #photography #gothsofinstagram #scenegirl #instagoth #horror #punkgirl #submissivefemale #bdsmcommunity #bdsm #bdsmsubmissive #submissivelife #submissivewoman #bdsmsub #feminineenergy #bdsmroleplay #submissiveslut #dom #bdsmdom #domination #nsfwtextposts #submissivegirls #feminine #femininity #domandsubkink #domandsubmissive #kink #ddlgprincess #kinkygirls #ddlgbabygirl #submissions #nsfwsubmissive #nsfwsub #nsfwbdsm #ddlg #submissive #submissivelittle #littlespace #ddlgnsfwpost #kinklife #nsfwdom #ddlgsubmissive #bdsmlifesytle #collar #dsdynamic #domandsub #bdsmpetplay #hmuonsnapchat #humilation #sexsy #masochist #ageplay #abdlgirls #caregiverlittle #nsfwlittle #abdl #legallittle #snapchatmegirl #ddlgcomunity #snapchat #submissivewomen #submissivekitten #dominantsubmissive #submissivelifestyle #waitingfordaddy #newage #spirituality #love #spiritual #meditation #metaphysical #music #crystals #healing #spiritualawakening #art  #crystalhealing #magick #lawofattraction #reiki #yoga #lightworker #consciousness #newagemusic #energyhealing  #awakening  #psychic #energy #peace  #astrology
#metaphysics #alternativefamily #ambient  #esoteric #chakra #artist  #ufo #skincare #cosmos #horoscope #theuniverse #world #zodiacsigns #magic #nature #instagood #mindfulness #zodiac #healingcrystals #astronomy #goddess #life #newmusic #thirdeye #god #hiphop #omens #knowthezodiac #thestars #thesigns
#enlightenedmaster #solusdominus #prophet #prayer #meditation #apostle #christianfortunetell #fortuneteller #tellyourfuture #infinitedimensions #timetravel #utopia #spiritualtravel #speedofthought 
 #happiness #love #happy #life #motivation #instagood #selflove #inspiration #positivevibes #quotes #instagram #lifestyle #believe #loveyourself #smile #success #mindset #like #positivity #goals #bhfyp #motivationalquotes #follow #yourself #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheday #peace#nature #fitness #instadaily #quote #selfcare #goodvibes #family #art #beauty #picoftheday #inspire #motivational #entrepreneur #health #friends #travel #lovequotes #joy #fashion #summer #mindfulness #mentalhealth #me #quotestoliveby #fun #meditation #poetry #lifequotes #cute #thoughts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

God, Beauty and The Woman | Spirit Human Not Teal Swan


God, Beauty and the 

Woman | Spirit Human

What is this beautiful woman,
The laughing of whose eye
Is in man's heart renewed virginity:
Whose sick longing breeds
For connection which exceeds
The inventive guess of Love to satisfy
With hope of utter binding, and of loosing endless dear despair?
What gleams about her shine,
More transient than delight and more divine!
If she does something but a little sweet,
As gaze towards the glass to set her hair,
See how his soul falls humbled at her feet!
Her gentle step, to go or come,
Gains her more merit than a martyrdom;

And, if she dance, it doth such grace confer
The heaven of heavens to more than her,
And makes a rival of her worshiper.
To die unknown for her were little cost!
So is she without guile,
Her mere refused smile
Makes up the sum of that which may be lost!
Who is this Beauty
Whom each has seen,
The darkest once in this spiritual realm
Be he not destined for the punishment of hell?
Whom each hath seen
And known, with sharp remorse and sweet, as Queen
And tear-glad Mistress of his hopes of bliss,
Too beautiful for man to kiss?
Who is this only happy woman,
Whom, by a frantic flight of courtesy,
Born of despair
Of better lodging for his Spirit Beauty,
He adores as unspeakable,
And what this sigh,
That each one heaves for Earth's last dispair
And the Heaven high
Ineffably locked in dateless bridal-bed?
Are all, then, mad, or is it prophecy?
'Sons now we are of God,' as we have heard,
'But what we shall be hath not yet appeared

O, Heart, remember you,
That Man is none, Save One.
What if this Lady be your Soul, and He
Who claims to enjoy her sacred beauty be,

Not you, but God; and your sick fire
A female vanity,
Such as a Bride, viewing her mirrored charms,
Feels when she sighs, 'All these are for his arms!'
A reflex heat
Flashed on your cheek from His immense desire,
Which waits to crown, beyond your brain's conceit,
Thy nameless, secret, hopeless longing sweet,
Not by-and-by, but now,
Unless you deny Him...

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Psychic-Supernatural Self-Defense is Related to Master's Co-op Community

 Cult is a relative term, So you need to join Master's co-op community, Intentional Community, Spiritual Colony......... Approximately 80% submissive females, 10% Dominant males ( but still in submission to Master ), and 10% mixture of submissive males ( sissies ) and Alpha females ( who are submissive to Master )

Too Much Charisma is BAD for Leadership. If you are following a cause, movement, etc. Because the leader is Charismatic , I do not think that you are following, contributing your time, and energy for the right reasons. The Message should always be more important than the leader. The Internet Definition of Charismatic is; "Exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others... I, As Solus Dominus, Do not feel that I would be considered a "Charismatic Leader" , But that is all in the "eye of the beholder" ... My small co-op community is maxed out as far as capacity in my residence, So the next step is to purchase 25 acres in Texas or Arizona ( and will consider another state, if the property is donated to the co-op community )

The Spiritual Vortex in Which Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master was Enlightened. There are now 3 primary principles that must be followed on a daily basis; 

  • Do What Master Tells You To Do.
  • When Master Tells You To Do It.
  • And Do It To The Best Of Your Ability

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Your Mantra From The Master


Your Mantra From Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Spiritual Enlightenment Master

How may I serve and please Master Solus Dominus today, and Every Day throughout my life, Throughout Eternity and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.

Meditate 3 times per day and repeat your Mantra over and over...You will receive a Positive Manifestation and blessing, if you have a sincere Heart and Spirit...You don't need to be a "nice girl" or a "good girl", you need to be sincere in your motivation. Everything that you do must be through Solus Dominus.

Use of certain tags is not an endorsement of each topic or individual

Tags; spiritualenlightenment , spiritualawakening , innerguidance , highervibration , lawofattraction , spiritualhealing , lawofattractionquotes , spirituality , spiritualjourney , spiritualgrowth , soulguidance , soulpurpose , universalguidance , spiritualbeing , spiritualbeings , enlightenment , thehigherself , raiseyourvibration , spiritualconnection , higherself , manifestation , higherawareness , manifesting , sourceenergy , affirmationoftheday , divineguidance , trusttheuniverse , manifestations , spiritualawareness , spiritualevolution ,  paulawhite ,  , hillsongworship , bobbiehouston , juanitabynum  christiangirls , christianwomen , christiandating , christianmingle , sacred sexuality, spiritual bdsm, shaman, guru, lifecoach. 
Tags; #love #instagood #fashion #photooftheday #beautiful #art #photography   #happy #picoftheday #cute #follow #tbt #followme #nature #like4like #travel #instagram #style #repost #winter #instadaily #selfie #me #friends #fitness #girl #food #fun #beauty #instalike #smile #family #photo #life #likeforlike #music #ootd #follow4follow #makeup #amazing #igers #nofilter #dog #model #sunset #beach #instamood #foodporn #motivation #followforfollow, #tealswan #spirituality #spiritualjourney #love #shadowwork #quantumphysics #selfcare #starseed #osho #eckharttolle #nikolatesla #stephenhawking #aristotle #relationshipgoals #quantumjumping #karma #awakening #selfsabotage #waynedyer #mattkahn #manipulationofenergy #tealswanquotes #akashic #lawofatraction #braneandstringtheory #relativity #dolorescannon #selfforgiveness #everythingismadeofenergy #quantumentanglement  #astrology #nostradamus #omnism #raiseyourvibration #selflove #consciousness #evetterose #joedispenza #star #meditation #quotes #physics #languagesoflove #poetry #healthyrelationship #healthyrelationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #healingbylove #lovequotesfeelingss #mindfulness #twinflamesurrender #healthylovers #relationshipcoaches #sadhguru #awareness #donmiguelruizquotes #abrahamhicks #tealswanthespiritualcatalyst #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening #innerguidance #highervibration #lawofattraction #spiritualhealing #lawofattractionquotes #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #soulguidance #soulpurpose #universalguidance #spiritualbeing #spiritualbeings #enlightenment #thehigherself #raiseyourvibration #spiritualconnection #higherself #manifestation #higherawareness #manifesting #sourceenergy #affirmationoftheday #divineguidance #trusttheuniverse #manifestations #spiritualawareness #spiritualevolution #higherfrequency #spiritual #synchronicity #higherawakening #soulgrowth #highvibration #lightworker #spiritualguidance #thirdeyethoughts #highervibrations #manifestingmagic #awakenedsoul #meditation #universalenergy #spiritualdevelopment #commandinglife #lovefrequency #highestself #wholeness #dailyaffirmations #healingquotes #innerwisdom #audreykitching #dailyaffirmation #affirmation #likeattractslike #awakening #spiritualpath #theuniversehasyourback #affirmations #suicideprevention #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #suicide #suicideawarness #ptsd #mentalillness #selfcare #suicideawareness #love #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #mentalhealthadvocate #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #suicidepreventionmonth #selflove #recovery #youarenotalone #trauma #mentalhealthrecovery #hope #bipolar #loveyourself #mentalwellness #anxietyawareness #therapy #healing #suicidepreventionawareness #help #support #bekind #stress #itsokaynottobeokay #motivation #awareness #ptsdawareness #youmatter #mentalhealthquotes #wellness #worldsuicidepreventionday #sad #suicideawarenessmonth #community #suicidepreventionday #psychology #suicidequote #health #mentalhealthblogger #breakthestigma #anxietysupport #art #covid #mindfulness #life #quotes #anxietyrelief, 

Tags; love,  instagood, photooftheday,  beautiful, art,  photography, happy, picoftheday, cute , follow, tbt,  followme,  nature,  like4like,  travel,  instagram ,  repost,   #instadaily , #me , friends, fitness, girl,  motivation,  tealswan , spirituality, spiritualjourney,  love, shadowwork,  quantumphysics,  selfcare,  starseed,  #osho , ( osho is a joke ) , eckharttolle , nikolatesla,  stephenhawking , aristotle,  relationshipgoals , quantumjumping , karma,  awakening,  selfsabotage,   awareness,  tealswanthespiritualcatalyst,  spiritualenlightenment,  spiritualawakening,  innerguidance , highervibration,  lawofattraction,  spiritualhealing,  lawofattractionquotes,  spirituality,  spiritualjourney,  spiritualgrowth,  soulguidance,  soulpurpose,  universalguidance,  spiritualbeing,  spiritualbeings,  enlightenment,  thehigherself raiseyourvibration,  spiritualconnection,  higherself,  manifestation,  higherawareness,  manifesting, , teal swan, tealswanquotes, spiritual vortex, vortex

Hash Tags; #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening #innerguidance #highervibration #lawofattraction #spiritualhealing #lawofattractionquotes #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #soulguidance #soulpurpose #universalguidance #spiritualbeing #spiritualbeings #enlightenment #thehigherself #raiseyourvibration #spiritualconnection #higherself #manifestation #higherawareness #manifesting #sourceenergy #affirmationoftheday #divineguidance #trusttheuniverse #manifestations #spiritualawareness #spiritualevolution
uantumleap #astrology #nostradamus #omnism #raiseyourvibration #selflove #consciousness #evetterose #joedispenza #star #meditation #quotes #physics #languagesoflove #poetry #healthyrelationship #healthyrelationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #healingbylove #lovequotesfeelingss #mindfulness #twinflamesurrender #healthylovers #relationshipcoaches #sadhguru #awareness #donmiguelruizquotes #abrahamhicks #tealswanthespiritualcatalyst #tealswanofficial  #tealswan #spirituality #spiritualjourney #love #shadowwork #quantumphysics #selfcare #starseed #osho #eckharttolle #nikolatesla #stephenhawking #aristotle #relationshipgoals #quantumjumping #karma #awakening #selfsabotage #waynedyer #mattkahn #manipulationofenergy #tealswanquotes #akashic #lawofatraction #braneandstringtheory #relativity #dolorescannon #selfforgiveness #everythingismadeofenergy #quantumentanglement #yoga yoga
#suicideprevention #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #suicide #suicideawarness #ptsd #mentalillness #selfcare #suicideawareness #love #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #mentalhealthadvocate #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #suicidepreventionmonth #selflove #recovery #youarenotalone #trauma #mentalhealthrecovery #hope #bipolar #loveyourself #mentalwellness #anxietyawareness #therapy #healing #suicidepreventionawareness #help #support #bekind #stress #itsokaynottobeokay #motivation #awareness #ptsdawareness #youmatter #mentalhealthquotes #wellness #worldsuicidepreventionday #sad #suicideawarenessmonth #community #suicidepreventionday #psychology #suicidequote #health #mentalhealthblogger #breakthestigma #anxietysupport #art #covid #mindfulness #life #quotes #anxietyrelief #communalliving #coliving #community #cohousing #india #interiordesign #commune #hmo #houseshare #studentlife #architecture #communal #property #urbangardening #design #divestmentcoach #divest #farming #urbanfarming #urbanfarmer #femalefarmer #femalefarmerproject #urbangarden #home #queerfarmers #growfood #growfoodnotlawns #optionsovereverything #growfoodnotgrass #foodnotlawns  #sustainableagriculture #resilientagriculture #colivingspace #urbanfarm #accommodation #divestedblackwoman #london #farmlife #nomatterwhat #youfirst #femaleprogression #womenwhogetit #girlsupportinggirls #swirlgirl #evolveordie #divestedblackgirls #divestedswirlgirl #stepintoit #mindshift #perspective #accountabilitymatters #yourpath #choosewhatsbest #u #noweapon #yourjourney #newtribeseeker #newtribebuilder #superscape #environmental #environment #sustainability #ecofriendly #environmentallyfriendly #climatechange #sustainable #nature #environmentalist #green #zerowaste #recycle #sustainableliving #eco #environmentalism #savetheplanet #gogreen #construction #earth #plasticfree #environmentalscience #environmentaleducation #ecology #conservation #recycling #environmentaljustice #environmentalawareness #greennewdeal #globalwarming #climate #art #environmentalart #environmentalprotection #pollution #climatecrisis #cannabis #climateaction #imwithjill #assange #revolution #vegan #climatechangeisreal #engineering #savetheearth #marijuana #water #resist #greenparty #greens #progressive #makeamericagreenagain #votegreen #greenenter #progressives #greaterevil #greatergood #ajamubaraka #demexit #environmentfriendly #safety #love #instagood #like #follow #instagram #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #bhfyp #happy #picoftheday #art #life #cute #smile #likeforlikes #instadaily #nature #me #style #followme #likes #beauty #instalike #followforfollowback #photo #music #travel #model #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #coach #mindset #inspiration #selflove #life #selfcare #success #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #loveyourself #meditation #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #fitness #positivevibes #motivationalspeaker #businesscoach #personalgrowth #business #wellness #quotes #positivity #leadership #spirituality #inspirationalquotes #growth #lifelessons #mentor #transformation #growthmindset #mindsetcoach #empowerment #instagood #lifecoachforwomen #happy #health #healthcoach #gratitude #selfdevelopment #healthylifestyle #spiritualawakening #selfhelp #lifecoachingtips #lawofattraction #inspire #believe #anxiety #confidence #relationships #christian #jesus #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #relationships #love #relationshipgoals #relationship #dating #marriage #couples #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #life #lovequotes #quotes #relationshipadvice #selflove #couple #family #romance #mentalhealth #goals #follow #instagood #happiness #selfcare #instagram #happy #bhfyp #healing #like #motivation #boyfriend #girlfriend #wife #tradwife #traditionalwife #1950lifestyle #gothgirl #goth #gothic #alternativegirl #alternative #gothaesthetic #gothgoth #altgirl #grunge #gothicstyle #emo #gothicgirl #gothfashion #emogirl #alternativefashion #dark #gothmakeup #gothstyle #metalhead #aesthetic #makeup #alt #egirl #metalgirl #punk #metal #gothicfashion #halloween #gothmodel #gothgirls #girlswithtattoos #grungegirl #altmodel #model #alternativestyle #vampire #piercings #alternativemodel #darkaesthetic #altfashion #girlswithpiercings #black #art #grungeaesthetic 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#enlightenedmaster #solusdominus #prophet #prayer #meditation #apostle #christianfortunetell #fortuneteller #tellyourfuture #infinitedimensions #timetravel #utopia #spiritualtravel #speedofthought 
 #happiness #love #happy #life #motivation #instagood #selflove #inspiration #positivevibes #quotes #instagram #lifestyle #believe #loveyourself #smile #success #mindset #like #positivity #goals #bhfyp #motivationalquotes #follow #yourself #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheday #peace#nature #fitness #instadaily #quote #selfcare #goodvibes #family #art #beauty #picoftheday #inspire #motivational #entrepreneur #health #friends #travel #lovequotes #joy #fashion #summer #mindfulness #mentalhealth #me #quotestoliveby #fun #meditation #poetry #lifequotes #cute #thoughts

Spiritual Enlightenment For Japan | 世界と日本国民にとって唯一の真の悟りを開いた精神的指導者、サネイブ Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu

  __ 世界と日本国民にとって唯一の真の悟りを開いた精神的指導者、サネイブ Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu _____...