Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Page 2 Solus Dominus Gnosticism | The Female Form is The Highest Level of Natural Art

( continued ), spiritual deity, who is surrounded by aeons and is all wisdom and light, and the creator of the world, who is at best incompetent and at worst malevolent. Yet through everything, they maintained, a spark of transcendent knowledge, wisdom, and light persists within people who are in the know. The transcendent deity is the source of that enlightened life and light. The meaning of the creation drama, when properly understood, is that human beings—gnostics in particular—derive their knowledge and light from the transcendent god, but through the mean-spirited actions of the demiurge, the creator of the world, they have been confined within this world. (The platonic aspects of this imagery are apparent.) Humans in this world are imprisoned, asleep, drunken, fallen, ignorant. They need to find themselves—to be freed, awakened, made sober, raised, and enlightened. In other words, they need to return to gnosis. This distinction between a transcendent god and the creator of the world is all the more remarkable when it is recalled that many of the earliest gnostic thinkers who made such a distinction seem to have been Jews. What might have led them to such a conclusion that seems to fly in the face of Jewish monotheistic affirmations? Could it have been the experience of the political and social trauma of the time, culminating in the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, which prompted serious reflection upon the problem of evil and stimulated the production of Jewish apocalyptic compositions? Could it have been the reflection of hellenistic Jewish thinkers who were schooled in Judaica and Greek philosophy and recognized the deep philosophical and theological issues surrounding the transcendence of the high god and the need for cosmic intermediaries to be involved with this world? Could it have been that among the creative Jewish minds, representative of the rich diversity of Judaism during the first centuries before and of the Common Era, who boldly addressed the real challenges of Jewish mysticism before Kabbalah, of the wisdom and Hokhmah of god, of world-wrenching apocalyptic, of theodicy and evil in the world, there were those who finally drew gnostic conclusions? We know the names of some of these creative Jewish people: John the baptizer, who initiated Jesus of Nazareth and preached apocalyptic ideas in the vicinity of Qumran, where Covenanters and Essenes practiced their separatist, ethical dualism; Simon Magus and Dositheos, who lived about the same time as Jesus and advocated their ideas in Samaria and beyond; Philo of Alexandria, a hellenistic Jewish thinker who provided Greek philosophical perspectives on the Hebrew Bible; Rabbi Elisha ben Abuya, nicknamed Aher, "Other," who dabbled in dualism; and there were more. We shall encounter some of these Jewish 4 INTRODUCTION thinkers in this volume.

                                 Rituals are much more than the ritual in itself

Monday, January 30, 2023

The Book | The One and Only True Enlightened Master


Almost every post will start bringing attention to the fact that Solus Dominus,

The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Gnostic-Christian

Prophet, cannot continue to Enlighten the world unless there is the right woman

in his life. This is Vision, Revelation, and Prophecy. No woman in the life of the

Master = No continuation of Spiritual Visions, Revelation and Prophesies. 

There is a JOURNAL below, That is for sale on the Amazon website.

This is the first two pages of a very long Introduction.

Remember that Gnosticism is 2,000 + years old, and is very popular in

2023 and growing rapidly, But Solus Dominus, The One and Only True 

Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Gnostic-Christian Prophet, and

Master teaches Reformed Gnosticism, Reformed through the Revelation

and visions experienced personally by Solus Dominus. 

Gnosticism is the the most compatible religion / religious philosophy, rituals

and protocol, with Spiritual BDSM, 


 The gnostics were religious mystics who proclaimed gnosis, knowl- • edge, as the way of salvation. To know oneself truly allowed gnosJL. tic men and women to know god directly, without any need for the mediation of rabbis, priests, bishops, imams, or other religious officials. 1. Throughout the present volume we have tried to avoid unnecessary capitalization of the word god and the names of personified spiritual powers and aeons. We are aware that the word god may be used as a name for the divine, but it frequently functions as a general term for the divine, so that even when "god" appears to be a name, it retains its primary nature as a term signifying the concept of divinity. For the same reason, other names of divine expressions, such as divine forethought, afterthought, and wisdom, are likewise left uncapitalized. Conversely, for the sake of clarity, when the Greek word "Sophia" is used for wisdom, that is capitalized, as are other names that are transliterated directly from other languages. We also want to avoid the common practice of singling out a particular deity, for example, the Judeo-Christian-Islamic deity, for the exclusive honor of the capitalized name "God," while other deities are relegated to the status of mere "gods" and "goddesses." We do not wish to limit the divine by restricting deity through name or selectivity. Traditionally the name and face of the divine are essentially unknowable, and so it is in this volume. 

 INTRODUCTION 2 Religious officials, who were not pleased with such freedom and independence, condemned the gnostics as heretical and a threat to the well-being and good order of organized religion. Heresiologists—heresy hunters of a bygone age who busied themselves exposing people judged dangerous to the Christian masses—fulminated against what they maintained was the falsehood of the gnostics. Nonetheless, from the challenge of this perceived threat came much of the theological reflection that has characterized the intellectual history of the Christian church. The historical roots of the gnostics reach back into the time of the Greeks, Romans, and Second Temple Jews. Some gnostics were Jewish, others GrecoRoman, and many were Christian. There were Mandaean gnostics from Iraq and Iran; Manichaeans from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and all the way to China; Islamic gnostics in the Muslim world; and Cathars in western Europe. The heyday of their influence extends from the second century CE through the next several centuries. Their influence and their presence, some say, continue to the present day. Gnostics sought knowledge and wisdom from many different sources, and they accepted insight wherever it could be found. Like those who came before them, they embraced a personified wisdom, Sophia, understood variously and taken as the manifestation of divine insight. To gain knowledge of the deep things of god, gnostics read and studied diverse religious and philosophical texts. In addition to Jewish sacred literature, Christian documents, and Greco-Roman religious and philosophical texts, gnostics studied religious works from the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Zoroastrians, Muslims, and Buddhists. All such sacred texts disclosed truths, and all were to be celebrated for their wisdom. Gnostics loved to explore who they were and from where they had come, and hence they read creation stories such as the opening chapters of Genesis with vigor and enthusiasm. Like others, they recognized that creation stories not only claim to describe what was, once upon a time, but also suggest what is, now, in our own world. The gnostics carried to their reading a conviction that the story of creation was not a happy one. There is, they reasoned, something fundamentally wrong with the world, there is too much evil and pain and death in the world, and so there must have been something wrong with creation. Consequently, gnostics provided innovative and oftentimes disturbing interpretations of the creation stories they read. They concluded that a distinction, often a dualistic distinction, must be made between the transcendent, INTRODUCTION 3 

Spiritual deity, who is surrounded by aeons and is all wisdom and light, and the creator of the world, who is at best incompetent and at worst malevolent. Yet through everything, they maintained, a spark of transcendent knowledge, wisdom, and light persists within people who are in the know. The transcendent deity is the source of that enlightened life and light. The meaning of the creation drama, when properly understood, is that human beings—gnostics in particular—derive their knowledge and light from the transcendent god, but through the mean-spirited actions of the demiurge, the creator of the world, they have been confined within this world. (The platonic aspects of this imagery are apparent.) Humans in this world are imprisoned, asleep, drunken, fallen, ignorant. They need to find themselves—to be freed, awakened, made sober, raised, and enlightened. In other words, they need to return to gnosis. This distinction between a transcendent god and the creator of the world is all the more remarkable when it is recalled that many of the earliest gnostic thinkers who made such a distinction seem to have been Jews. What might have led them to such a conclusion that seems to fly in the face of Jewish monotheistic affirmations? Could it have been the experience of the political and social trauma of the time, culminating in the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, which prompted serious reflection upon the problem of evil and stimulated the production of Jewish apocalyptic compositions? Could it have been the reflection of hellenistic Jewish thinkers who were schooled in Judaica and Greek philosophy and recognized the deep philosophical and theological issues surrounding the transcendence of the high god and the need for cosmic intermediaries to be involved with this world? Could it have been that among the creative Jewish minds, representative of the rich diversity of Judaism during the first centuries before and of the Common Era, who boldly addressed the real challenges of Jewish mysticism before Kabbalah, of the wisdom and Hokhmah of god, of world-wrenching apocalyptic, of theodicy and evil in the world, there were those who finally drew gnostic conclusions? We know the names of some of these creative Jewish people: John the baptizer, who initiated Jesus of Nazareth and preached apocalyptic ideas in the vicinity of Qumran, where Covenanters and Essenes practiced their separatist, ethical dualism; Simon Magus and Dositheos, who lived about the same time as Jesus and advocated their ideas in Samaria and beyond; Philo of Alexandria, a hellenistic Jewish thinker who provided Greek philosophical perspectives on the Hebrew Bible; Rabbi Elisha ben Abuya, nicknamed Aher, "Other," who dabbled in dualism; and there were more. We will encounter some of these Jewish... 

This is a JOURNAL sold only through Amazon.  
This is the Hardcover version


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Immerse Yourself in the Dark Ray of the Divine Mind

Immerse Yourself in the Dark Ray of the Divine Mind...

INTRODUCTION To The Gnostic Bible and Religion Through The True Master

 Join your True Master, Solus Dominus. Many Are Called and few Are Chosen. If This is What a "master", "guru", etc. Looks Like, Then you will probably never to chosen to be trained for True Enlightenment. It is the stereotyped "guru" from India, the cookie cutter "spiritual master", e sitting around in the "lotus position" with the bead necklace, etc.etc...In the process of True Spiritual Enlightenment you will be required to abandon Yoga immediately. For now, I will just leave this statement with you; Sooner or later, The toxic effects of yoga will surface. 

            The "Hall of Fame" of Cookie Cutter Spiritual Masters.


This list could go on and on, But there is definitely a "poster child"
for the brainwashed IMAGE of what a "master" or "guru" SHOULD
look like. 

The Beatles joined the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1967...photo below.
             If it weren't for the Beatles, there would no attention paid to these "spiritual masters" I'v heard this guy talk many times ( before he died ), and it was nothing but the spiritually blind leading the blind...complete nonsense. The yogi hit the mother lode when he landed the Beatles as his followers, because I guarantee they were pouring money $$$ into his business...Yes, it's a business.

                      Which leads us to this guy, who had his sex cult in Oregon, until he                                  was deported..Yes, the 
guy who his followers bought him 90+ Rolls Royce cars...One of the most expensive cars on the planet...yikes ! How do you justify that level of materialism, and then claim that you are so "SPIRITUAL"  
His compound had
guards with assault rifles...and there is a lot more that could be told
about this guy and his compound...

This is NOT an endorsement of Teal Swan 

This is only a Journal, But it is the Journal from the True Spiritual Master

INTRODUCTION To The Religion and Principles That Are  Most Compatible With The Teachings of Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master and Prophet of True Light.

No one can be Spiritually Enlightened with Knowing , Embracing and Submitting to the True Light, Solus Dominus. 

  1. Gnosis; knowledge of spiritual mysteries.

Gnosis refers to knowledge based on personal experience or perception. In a religious context, gnosis is mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the divine. In most Gnostic systems, the sufficient cause of salvation is this "knowledge of" ("acquaintance with") the divine.

The general principles and rituals of Gnosticism can be beneficial to the teachings of Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master - Prophet of Spiritual Enlightenment. One thing that you need to memorize and meditate on is the fact that Gnosticism is only compatible if it is the Solus Dominus revelation and vision of Gnosticism, Not Solus Dominus trying to fit into Gnosticism. 

INTRODUCTION To The Gnostic Bible and Religion : Religious officials, who were not pleased with such freedom and independence, condemned the gnostics as heretical and a threat to the well-being and good order of organized religion. Heresiologists—heresy hunters of a bygone age who busied themselves exposing people judged dangerous to the Christian masses—fulminated against what they maintained was the falsehood of the gnostics. Nonetheless, from the challenge of this perceived threat came much of the theological reflection that has characterized the intellectual history of the Christian church. The historical roots of the gnostics reach back into the time of the Greeks, Romans, and Second Temple Jews. Some gnostics were Jewish, others GrecoRoman, and many were Christian. There were Mandaean gnostics from Iraq and Iran; Manichaeans from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and all the way to China; Islamic gnostics in the Muslim world; and Cathars in western Europe. The heyday of their influence extends from the second century CE through the next several centuries. Their influence and their presence, some say, continue to the present day. Gnostics sought knowledge and wisdom from many different sources, and they accepted insight wherever it could be found. Like those who came before them, they embraced a personified wisdom, Sophia, understood variously and taken as the manifestation of divine insight. To gain knowledge of the deep things of god, gnostics read and studied diverse religious and philosophical texts. In addition to Jewish sacred literature, Christian documents, and Greco-Roman religious and philosophical texts, gnostics studied religious works from the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Zoroastrians, Muslims, and Buddhists. All such sacred texts disclosed truths, and all were to be celebrated for their wisdom. Gnostics loved to explore who they were and from where they had come, and hence they read creation stories such as the opening chapters of Genesis with vigor and enthusiasm. Like others, they recognized that creation stories not only claim to describe what was, once upon a time, but also suggest what is, now, in our own world. The gnostics carried to their reading a conviction that the story of creation was not a happy one. There is, they reasoned, something fundamentally wrong with the world, there is too much evil and pain and death in the world, and so there must have been something wrong with creation. Consequently, gnostics provided innovative and oftentimes disturbing interpretations of the creation stories they read. They concluded that a distinction, often a dualistic distinction, must be made between the transcendent

No, You do not have to be of Viking blood to be a student of the One and Only True Master and Prophet of the Spiritual Realm. Solus Dominus

Sunday, January 22, 2023

First Time Reaction to Israel IZ Kamakawiwoʻole - Somewhere Over The Rai...

Mystic Dance Fusion | Dance to Please Your Master

CULT is a four letter word. I am a Contrarian, so labels are of no consequence. It is better to be extremely honest and straight-forward, no hidden agenda filtering anything that I say. In a way, I do lead a Cult. But the lie would be that I am leading a "community co-op hippie commune, When in fact, I had another agenda, that would be living a lie, and promoting a lie. Make no mistake about it, I am an Authoritarian Leader. Rather than being intrigued and highly interested that FINALLY there is a Spiritual Master on Earth that can lead the way to True Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, and a Life Purpose much bigger than yourself, and you are somehow turned off by " an Authority Leader, Then so be it. Most people say that they seek Truth, and Honesty, But when it is staring them in the face, They turn and run from it. Don't be that person.
Join my co-op community. Do you know what separates a cult from a co-op. According to some, my co-op would be described as a "cult", Why ?              Because I am an authoritarian leader, and I promote
an environment of peace, love, and enlightenment, along with communal protocol and principles. But you will never be restricted from leaving and visiting family and friends, you will never be completely isolated. Contact Master directly for additional details; EnlightenedMaster@aol.com
Seeking volunteers 1) to create a more professional website, than my current blog,
2) In the Apache Junction / East Mesa, Arizona area, live-in or live-out, General Cleaning and Organizing
3) Create your own social media platform to promote the teachings and opportunities of the One and Only
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The True Spiritual Master - Prophet Appreciates This Type of Dance

If people just watch and read, with making even a $1-$2 donation, It is a form of Spiritual theft. If you truly do not have even $1 ( which is highly unlikely, But possible, Then don't worry about it )
PayPal @TheLordMaster

CULT is a four letter word. I am a Contrarian, so labels are of no consequence. It is better to be extremely honest and straight-forward, no hidden agenda filtering anything that I say. In a way, I do lead a Cult. But the lie would be that I am leading a "community co-op hippie commune, When in fact, I had another agenda, that would be living a lie, and promoting a lie. Make no mistake about it, I am an Authoritarian Leader. Rather than being intrigued and highly interested that FINALLY there is a Spiritual Master on Earth that can lead the way to True Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, and a Life Purpose much bigger than yourself, and you are somehow turned off by " an Authority Leader, Then so be it. Most people say that they seek Truth, and Honesty, But when it is staring them in the face, They turn and run from it. Don't be that person.
Join my co-op community. Do you know what separates a cult from a co-op. According to some,
my co-op would be described as a "cult", Why ? Because I am an authoritarian leader, and I promote
an environment of peace, love, and enlightenment, along with communal protocol and principles. But you will never
be restricted from leaving and visiting family and friends, you will never be completely isolated. Contact Master
directly for additional details; EnlightenedMaster@aol.com
Seeking volunteers 1) to create a more professional website, than my current blog,
2) In the Apache Junction / East Mesa, Arizona area, live-in or live-out, General Cleaning and Organizing
3) Create your own social media platform to promote the teachings and opportunities of the One and Only
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

The True Gnostic Master Has Been Found and It is The Connection to True Spiritual BDSM. I have attended the Harvard School of Divinity ( The Real Harvard ), and I also have a mail order ordination from "Universal Life Church" , and other than a "pretense of piety", It doesn't really matter about the paper credentials. Gnosis is "Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries", and to say that I have knowledge of spiritual mysteries, is an extreme understatement. 
For the right student, I will teach Supernatural self-defense, because the true reality is on a spiritual-level, and the Illusion of Reality is on the material , physical-level.

I think that you already know that a Great Commune Co-Op community, Can Be
Anywhere, Including The Beach. It is the Communal and Alternative Family Mind-Set of the Members, Not a piece of Property.The One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

The co-op community starts in 2023, but training is available now...8 steps to
Heaven guaranteed !!! infinite spiritual dimensions, spiritual travel @ the speed
of light. Many are called, but few are chosen...There is no doubt that Solus Dominus and the Freedom Commune will expand, but the question is, where will you be ?

Be very careful of New Age Gurus...Seeking Money, Money, Money and Everything that is actually on a PHYSICAL-level, while at the same time they are trying to promote to their followers that they know "the secret" to all things Spiritual; Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, New Thought, etc.etc..it's a New Age melting pot, Everyone and their cousin is Prophet, Guru, Shaman, Master, etc.etc. When in reality, none of them are any of those things. It is the "spiritual blind leading the blind"...

There are people who are supposedly spiritual gurus ( key word "spiritual" ), but they seek after lavish, extremely expensive Material Things, not to mention running sex cults.

Can't have both, you are either in the Material or the Spiritual ( and Spiritual does not mean to Act Pious, to Act "Holy" while at the same time, they have a much different agenda ). Nudity has nothing to do with a "sex cult"...The material world or realm is inherently evil,
ALL Evil is contained in, and exists in Matter ( the Physical-level ) Therefore the ego          ( physical-level self-centered motivations and agendas, must be eliminated in the human form. You must learn from the One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, How to transition to being a Spirit Human, At Will. 

What is gnosticism in layman's terms?
Gnos·​ti·​cism ˈ( nä-stə-ˌsi-zəm.) The thought and practice especially of various
cults of late pre-Christian and early Christian centuries distinguished by the
conviction that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through gnosis.
Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas and systems which coalesced in
the late 1st century AD...These various groups emphasized personal spiritual
knowledge above the orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of
religious institutions...
Master Solus Dominus teaches that ALL evil is contained in, and exists ONLY in  MATTER. If you want to learn the true and deep implications of this simple fact, Message Master directly.

Dance for The Master on a Spiritual Level

CULT is a four letter word. I am a Contrarian, so labels are of no consequence. It is better to be extremely honest and straight-forward, no hidden agenda filtering anything that I say. In a way, I do lead a Cult. But the lie would be that I am leading a "community co-op hippie commune, When in fact, I had another agenda, that would be living a lie, and promoting a lie. Make no mistake about it, I am an Authoritarian Leader. Rather than being intrigued and highly interested that FINALLY there is a Spiritual Master on Earth that can lead the way to True Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, and a Life Purpose much bigger than yourself, and you are somehow turned off by " an Authority Leader, Then so be it. Most people say that they seek Truth, and Honesty, But when it is staring them in the face, They turn and run from it. Don't be that person.
Join my co-op community. Do you know what separates a cult from a co-op. According to some,
my co-op would be described as a "cult", Why ? Because I am an authoritarian leader, and I promote
an environment of peace, love, and enlightenment, along with communal protocol and principles. But you will never
be restricted from leaving and visiting family and friends, you will never be completely isolated. Contact Master
directly for additional details; EnlightenedMaster@aol.com
Seeking volunteers 1) to create a more professional website, than my current blog,
2) In the Apache Junction / East Mesa, Arizona area, live-in or live-out, General Cleaning and Organizing
3) Create your own social media platform to promote the teachings and opportunities of the One and Only
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.