Monday, February 6, 2023

Focus on Self is a Dangerous Activity

Focus on Self is a Dangerous Activity

더 복잡한 진실과 추상적인 개념을 파악하기 전에 첫 번째 인용문을 읽으십시오...복잡함은 상대적이라는 것을 알고 있습니다.

*위대한 정령은 항상 폭력과 조우한다

평범한 마음의 반대

현실은 환상에 불과하지만

매우 지속적인 것

나는 내가 하고 있는 것을 기꺼이 포기해야 한다

내가 될 사람이 되십시오*

다음은 Solus Dominus, The One and Only의 성명입니다.

영적 깨달음과 예언의 진정한 스승.

영원한 낙원에는 여성을 위한 특별한 장소가 있을 것입니다.

믿음과 진리로 나아가는 영적 동역자가 되어

솔루스 도미누스. 영적 공동체의 모든 추종자와 회원

결국 Solus Dominus와 영적으로 결합된 영적 파트너가 될 것입니다.

그러나 각 영적 영역에는 오직 한 명의 영적 여왕이 있습니다.

내가 이 역할에 대해 설명하고 있는 여성은 매우 독특할 것입니다. 없다

사전 경험이 필요합니다. 이 여성은 자신의 삶에서 특별한 소명을 느꼈을 것입니다.

특별한 목적...이 소명이나 목적에 대한 외부 증거가 없더라도. 영적 운동과 목적에 대한 헌신이 있어야 합니다.

그것은 자신보다 훨씬 크고, 다른 누구보다 훨씬 큽니다.

솔루스 도미누스보다

지구 시간 측정의 어느 시점에서 그 시간은 공개되지 않을 것입니다.

Solus Dominus는 One Master(라틴어로 Solus Dominus)라는 이름을 받았습니다...

요한계시록과 환상과 이름이 그보다 더 빨리 나타났음에도 불구하고

생각이 인간 수준에서 드러나기 때문에 Solus Dominus는 축적된 영적 지식이 영 인간의 영원한 영을 통하지 않고는 측정될 수 없다는 것을 알고 있었습니다. 얼마나 많은 영적 인간이 존재하는가.

또는 존재한 적이 있습니까? 1 ( 하나 ). Solus Dominus는 영적 깨달음의 유일하고 진정한 스승입니다. Solus Dominus는 모든 것이지만 무(좀 더 구체적으로 말하면 "아무것도")이므로 Solus Dominus는 실제로 *현실의 총체*입니다.

Solus Dominus는 영적 수준에서 무한한 영적 차원으로의 생각 속도로 *시간 여행*을 할 수 있는 능력을 얻을 수 있도록 가르칠 것입니다.

Solus Dominus를 통한 *Totality of Reality*의 일부는 영적 차원이 현실이고, 우리가 현재 거주하고 있는 차원인 물리적 영역이 환상이라는 것입니다.

어떤 목적지로든 여행할 수 있고 무한한 차원의 현실을 경험할 수 있는 잠재력, 또한 환상을 잠재적으로 여기 지구에서의 삶을 끝낼 수 있는 물질의 *현실*로 즉시 변환합니다. 즉.

문제나 잠재적인 문제를 해결하기 위해 정신적으로, 그리고 영적으로 시간 여행(앞으로 또는 뒤로)이 가능할 것이며, 그것은 사실이 아닙니다.

과거의 모든 것을 조정하고 변경하면 인류에게 보편적인 결과를 초래할 것입니다. *Universal Consequences for Humankind*의 개념은 터무니없는 추측, 공상과학 작가의 상상력으로 소위 시간 여행의 재앙적 사건의 예가 됩니다.

과거의 삶을 의도적으로 변경함으로써 현재와 미래의 삶을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 현재 겪고 있는 문제의 유형에 상관없이

인생에서 Solus Dominus를 통해 이벤트를 변경할 수 있습니다.

그것은 당신의 현재 삶의 문제에 대한 책임이 있습니다. 정신적, 감정적, 육체적, 성적... 현재 나이(지구 시간 측정)에서 나의 소명과 목적은 당신을 이 진실로 이끄는 것입니다. Solus Dominus가 말하는 진실과 잠재력은 지난 2,000년 동안 인류에게 공개되거나 제시된 적이 없습니다.

당신은 인류를 괴롭히는 모든 문제가 모든 인간의 이익을 위해 영적 시간 여행을 통해 바뀔 수 있다는 것을 당신의 비-Solus Dominus 영감 정신과 정신으로 이해할 수 있습니까? 전쟁, 질병, 기후 변화 등... 현재의 모든 문제에는 과거에 근본 원인이 있습니다. 나는 당신을 가르칠 것입니다, 당신은 배울 것입니다. 내가 너희를 인도할 것이요, 너희는 따를 것이다.

벨리댄스가 아름답지만 마스터를 숭배하기 위해 벨리댄스를 배울 필요는 없습니다. 당신은 스승에 대한 경배를 통해 당신의 영을 나타내는 법을 배워야 합니다. 당신은 자신에게 관심을 끌기 위한 것이 아니라, 춤이 어떻게 생겼는지에 관계없이 스승님을 찬양하기 위한 것입니다. 춤을 통해 상상력과 자유를 키워보세요. 이것이 왜 그렇게 중요한지 나중에 알게 될 것입니다. 솔루스 도미누스

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Love The Lord Your God and Worship Him Only

You Need to be Under The Protection of The Only True Master

                  This is a Journal cover that is available only through the Amazon website

Read the first quote before you try to grasp the more complex truth and 

abstract concepts... 

Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent
Opposition From Mediocre Minds

Reality is Merely an Illusion, Although
a Very Persistent One

I Must Be Willing to Give Up What I Am To
Become What I Will Be*

*Those are 3 quotes from Albert Einstein. 

Below is a statement from Solus Dominus, The One and Only 
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and prophecy.

There is going to be a special place in Eternal Paradise for the woman
who steps forward in faith and in truth, to be the Spiritual Partner of
Solus Dominus. All followers and members in our Spiritual Community
will eventually be Spiritual Partners, Spiritually United with Solus Dominus,
But there is only one Spiritual Queen within each Spiritual Realm, Therefore
the woman that I am describing for this role will be very unique. There is no
prior experience needed. This woman must feel a special calling on her life,
a special purpose...Even if there is no outward evidence of this calling or purpose. She must have a commitment to a spiritual movement and purpose
that is much bigger than herself, and much larger than anyone else, other
than Solus Dominus. 
At a point in Earth Time Measurement, and that time will not be disclosed, 
Solus Dominus was given the name One Master ( in Latin; Solus Dominus )...
Even though The Revelation , Vision, and Name were manifested faster than
thoughts are revealed on a human level, Solus Dominus knew that the accumulated spiritual knowledge was not able to be measured other than through the Eternal Spirit of a Spirit Human. How many Spirit Humans exist.
or have ever existed ? 1 ( one ). Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Solus Dominus is everything, and yet Nothing ( or to be more specific, "no-thing" ), Therefore the fact is that Solus Dominus, is actually the *Totality of reality.* 
Solus Dominus will teach you to be able to attain the ability to *Time Travel* @ the Speed of Thought on a Spiritual-level to Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.
Part of the *Totality of Reality* through Solus Dominus is that the Spiritual Dimensions are Reality, and that Physical realms, the Dimension that we currently reside in, are an Illusion, But the same mind and spirit that has the 
potential to allow you to travel to any destination , and experience the reality of Infinite Dimensions, Also instantly converts Illusion to the *Reality* of material things that could potentially end your life here on Earth. i.e. 
It will be possible for you to mentally, and spiritually time travel ( forwards or backwards ) to correct problems or potential problems, and it is not true that
adjusting, altering anything in the past will cause Universal consequences for humankind. The concept of *Universal Consequences for Humankind* is ludicrous speculation, the imagination of sci-fi writers that become so-called proverbial examples of time travel catastrophic events 
You will be able to alter your current and future life, By intentionally altering your past life. Regardless what type of problem you are currently experiencing
in life, Through Solus Dominus, It will be possible for you to alter the event(s)
that is responsible for problems in your current life; Mental, Emotional, Physical, Sexual...My calling and purpose at my current age ( Earth Time Measurement ), is to Lead YOU to this Truth. The truth and potential that Solus Dominus is speaking about has never been revealed and presented to Humankind in the last 2,000 years. 
Can you comprehend, in your non-Solus Dominus inspired mind and spirit, that every problem that plagues Humankind, Could be altered through Spiritual Time travel, for the benefit of all Humans; Wars, Disease, Climate Change Etc.,Etc... Every current problem has a root cause that still exists in the Past dimension. I will teach you, You will learn. I will lead you, and You will follow. Solus Dominus.

My use of these tags is not an endorsement of every tag or the topic.

Tags; Christian, christianity, bible, biblical, jesus, jesuschrist, heaven, love, peace, church, religion

Tags, #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening #innerguidance #highervibration #lawofattraction #spiritualhealing #lawofattractionquotes #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #soulguidance #soulpurpose #universalguidance #spiritualbeing #spiritualbeings #enlightenment #thehigherself #raiseyourvibration #spiritualconnection #higherself #manifestation #higherawareness #manifesting #sourceenergy #affirmationoftheday #divineguidance #trusttheuniverse #manifestations #spiritualawareness #spiritualevolution
#higherfrequency #spiritual #synchronicity #higherawakening #soulgrowth #highvibration #lightworker #spiritualguidance #thirdeyethoughts #highervibrations #manifestingmagic #awakenedsoul #meditation #universalenergy #spiritualdevelopment #commandinglife #lovefrequency #highestself #wholeness #dailyaffirmations #healingquotes #innerwisdom #audreykitching #dailyaffirmation #affirmation #likeattractslike #awakening #spiritualpath #theuniversehasyourback #affirmations, #tealswan #spirituality #spiritualjourney #love #shadowwork #quantumphysics #selfcare #starseed #osho #eckharttolle #nikolatesla #stephenhawking #aristotle #relationshipgoals #quantumjumping #karma #awakening #selfsabotage #waynedyer #mattkahn #manipulationofenergy #tealswanquotes #akashic #lawofatraction #braneandstringtheory #relativity #dolorescannon #selfforgiveness #everythingismadeofenergy #quantumentanglement, #quantumleap #astrology #nostradamus #omnism #raiseyourvibration #selflove #consciousness #evetterose #joedispenza #star #meditation #quotes #physics #languagesoflove #poetry #healthyrelationship #healthyrelationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #healingbylove #lovequotesfeelingss #mindfulness #twinflamesurrender #healthylovers #relationshipcoaches #sadhguru #awareness #donmiguelruizquotes #abrahamhicks #tealswanthespiritualcatalyst #tealswanofficial, 
#suicideprevention #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #suicide #suicideawarness #ptsd #mentalillness #selfcare #suicideawareness #love #depressionawareness #depressionhelp #mentalhealthadvocate #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #suicidepreventionmonth #selflove #recovery #youarenotalone #trauma #mentalhealthrecovery #hope #bipolar #loveyourself #mentalwellness #anxietyawareness #therapy, #healing #suicidepreventionawareness #help #support #bekind #stress #itsokaynottobeokay #motivation #awareness #ptsdawareness #youmatter #mentalhealthquotes #wellness #worldsuicidepreventionday #sad #suicideawarenessmonth #community #suicidepreventionday #psychology #suicidequote #health #mentalhealthblogger #breakthestigma #anxietysupport #art #covid #mindfulness #life #quotes #anxietyrelief, #yoga #fitness #meditation #yogapractice #yogainspiration #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #mindfulness #yogateacher #yogalove #workout #gym #yogaeveryday #motivation #pilates #namaste #health #wellness #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #nature #yogachallenge #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #yogapose #healing #fit #peace,  #yogaposes #spirituality #yogini #selflove #selfcare #life #asana #yogajourney #instagood #bhfyp #balance #art #lifestyle #spiritual #inspiration #flexibility #training #o #sport #reiki #hathayoga #healthy #instagram #instayoga #crossfit #exercise #n #india #happiness #yogadaily, 
#meditation #yoga #love #mindfulness #spirituality #healing #spiritual #peace #selflove #motivation #nature #selfcare #inspiration #life #spiritualawakening #wellness #happiness #mentalhealth #energy #health #art #positivevibes #consciousness #fitness #wisdom #quotes #meditate #awakening #gratitude #soul, #believe #zen #crystals #bhfyp #namaste #yogainspiration #positivity #chakras #reiki #mindset #yogapractice #god #loveyourself #enlightenment #instagood #healthylifestyle #happy #lawofattraction #yogalife #faith #yogi #relax #lightworker #yogateacher #tarot #buddha #goodvibes #mind #instagram #universe

Saturday, February 4, 2023

"The Call of the Warrior" Dance | Worship The Master

You do not need to learn how to be a Belly Dancer to participate in Dance to worship Master,
You need to step out in Faith and Explore YOUR dance style. Dance is not meant to bring
attention to yourself, It is meant to praise your Master.

Read the first quote before you try to grasp the more complex truth and 
abstract concepts... 

*Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent
Opposition From Mediocre Minds

Reality is Merely an Illusion, Although
a Very Persistent One

I Must Be Willing to Give Up What I Am To
Become What I Will Be*

*Those are 3 quotes from Albert Einstein. 

Below is a statement from Solus Dominus, The One and Only 
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and prophecy.

There is going to be a special place in Eternal Paradise for the woman
who steps forward in faith and in truth, to be the Spiritual Partner of
Solus Dominus. All followers and members in our Spiritual Community
will eventually be Spiritual Partners, Spiritually United with Solus Dominus,
But there is only one Spiritual Queen within each Spiritual Realm, Therefore
the woman that I am describing for this role will be very unique. There is no
prior experience needed. This woman must feel a special calling on her life,
a special purpose...Even if there is no outward evidence of this calling or purpose. She must have a commitment to a spiritual movement and purpose
that is much bigger than herself, and much larger than anyone else, other
than Solus Dominus. 
At a point in Earth Time Measurement, and that time will not be disclosed, 
Solus Dominus was given the name One Master ( in Latin; Solus Dominus )...
Even though The Revelation , Vision, and Name were manifested faster than
thoughts are revealed on a human level, Solus Dominus knew that the accumulated spiritual knowledge was not able to be measured other than through the Eternal Spirit of a Spirit Human. How many Spirit Humans exist.
or have ever existed ? 1 ( one ). Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Solus Dominus is everything, and yet Nothing ( or to be more specific, "no-thing" ), Therefore the fact is that Solus Dominus, is actually the *Totality of reality.* 
Solus Dominus will teach you to be able to attain the ability to *Time Travel* @ the Speed of Thought on a Spiritual-level to Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.
Part of the *Totality of Reality* through Solus Dominus is that the Spiritual Dimensions are Reality, and that Physical realms, the Dimension that we currently reside in, are an Illusion, But the same mind and spirit that has the 
potential to allow you to travel to any destination , and experience the reality of Infinite Dimensions, Also instantly converts Illusion to the *Reality* of material things that could potentially end your life here on Earth. i.e. 
It will be possible for you to mentally, and spiritually time travel ( forwards or backwards ) to correct problems or potential problems, and it is not true that
adjusting, altering anything in the past will cause Universal consequences for humankind. The concept of *Universal Consequences for Humankind* is ludicrous speculation, the imagination of sci-fi writers that become so-called proverbial examples of time travel catastrophic events 
You will be able to alter your current and future life, By intentionally altering your past life. Regardless what type of problem you are currently experiencing
in life, Through Solus Dominus, It will be possible for you to alter the event(s)
that is responsible for problems in your current life; Mental, Emotional, Physical, Sexual...My calling and purpose at my current age ( Earth Time Measurement ), is to Lead YOU to this Truth. The truth and potential that Solus Dominus is speaking about has never been revealed and presented to Humankind in the last 2,000 years. 
Can you comprehend, in your non-Solus Dominus inspired mind and spirit, that every problem that plagues Humankind, Could be altered through Spiritual Time travel, for the benefit of all Humans; Wars, Disease, Climate Change Etc.,Etc... Every current problem has a root cause in the Past. I will teach you, You will learn. I will lead you, and You will follow. Solus Dominus.

Peace and Love Will Dominate Our Movement | Dance to Your Master

Read the first quote before you try to grasp the more complex truth and 
abstract concepts... 

*Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent
Opposition From Mediocre Minds

Reality is Merely an Illusion, Although
a Very Persistent One

I Must Be Willing to Give Up What I Am To
Become What I Will Be*

*Those are 3 quotes from Albert Einstein. 

Below is a statement from Solus Dominus, The One and Only 
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and prophecy.

There is going to be a special place in Eternal Paradise for the woman
who steps forward in faith and in truth, to be the Spiritual Partner of
Solus Dominus. All followers and members in our Spiritual Community
will eventually be Spiritual Partners, Spiritually United with Solus Dominus,
But there is only one Spiritual Queen within each Spiritual Realm, Therefore
the woman that I am describing for this role will be very unique. There is no
prior experience needed. This woman must feel a special calling on her life,
a special purpose...Even if there is no outward evidence of this calling or purpose. She must have a commitment to a spiritual movement and purpose
that is much bigger than herself, and much larger than anyone else, other
than Solus Dominus. 
At a point in Earth Time Measurement, and that time will not be disclosed, 
Solus Dominus was given the name One Master ( in Latin; Solus Dominus )...
Even though The Revelation , Vision, and Name were manifested faster than
thoughts are revealed on a human level, Solus Dominus knew that the accumulated spiritual knowledge was not able to be measured other than through the Eternal Spirit of a Spirit Human. How many Spirit Humans exist.
or have ever existed ? 1 ( one ). Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Solus Dominus is everything, and yet Nothing ( or to be more specific, "no-thing" ), Therefore the fact is that Solus Dominus, is actually the *Totality of reality.* 
Solus Dominus will teach you to be able to attain the ability to *Time Travel* @ the Speed of Thought on a Spiritual-level to Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.
Part of the *Totality of Reality* through Solus Dominus is that the Spiritual Dimensions are Reality, and that Physical realms, the Dimension that we currently reside in, are an Illusion, But the same mind and spirit that has the 
potential to allow you to travel to any destination , and experience the reality of Infinite Dimensions, Also instantly converts Illusion to the *Reality* of material things that could potentially end your life here on Earth. i.e. 
It will be possible for you to mentally, and spiritually time travel ( forwards or backwards ) to correct problems or potential problems, and it is not true that
adjusting, altering anything in the past will cause Universal consequences for humankind. The concept of *Universal Consequences for Humankind* is ludicrous speculation, the imagination of sci-fi writers that become so-called proverbial examples of time travel catastrophic events 
You will be able to alter your current and future life, By intentionally altering your past life. Regardless what type of problem you are currently experiencing
in life, Through Solus Dominus, It will be possible for you to alter the event(s)
that is responsible for problems in your current life; Mental, Emotional, Physical, Sexual...My calling and purpose at my current age ( Earth Time Measurement ), is to Lead YOU to this Truth. The truth and potential that Solus Dominus is speaking about has never been revealed and presented to Humankind in the last 2,000 years. 
Can you comprehend, in your non-Solus Dominus inspired mind and spirit, that every problem that plagues Humankind, Could be altered through Spiritual Time travel, for the benefit of all Humans; Wars, Disease, Climate Change Etc.,Etc... Every current problem has a root cause in the Past. I will teach you, You will learn. I will lead you, and You will follow. Peace and Love will dominate our movement. Solus Dominus. 

Heal Spiritually and Emotionally Through Dance to Master

Dance before Your Master to please Him, and Spiritually heal yourself. Do not focus on yourself while you dance, But focus on Your Master and the Spiritual realm that you will travel to. Why focus on the Spiritual realm that you will travel to, and how will I know which realm ( Infinite Spiritual Dimensions ) ? 
 You will be taught by Solus Dominus  You will attain the New Reality. These Spiritual realms are the True Reality, These are also the  realms that you can visit, and Travel in Spiritual Time @ The Speed of Thought.
There is no right or wrong Dance , It is the Spiritual attitude and mind-set of the person dancing. How do you get that Spiritual attitude and mind-set that will lead you to True Spiritual Enlightenment ? You follow the Master that can teach you how to attain True Spiritual Enlightenment. You can never be Enlightened through a False Prophet and False Teacher...a Fraud "guru" or so-called "master", who in actuality, is nothing but the spiritual blind leading the blind. 
There is no other Spiritual Master on Earth that will guide you to True Spiritual Enlightenment. Do you know that there is only One True, Pure Light, and that Pure Light is the source of Enlightenment and True, Pure, Eternal Love. Light and Love are One and the same and cannot be separated or destroyed.             
Solus Dominus.

Dance is a Spiritual Portal

The Physical-Spiritual Dance Embraces The Master, Solus Dominus

Dance Worship to The One and Only Spiritual Master

Friday, February 3, 2023

El Maestro te enseñará cómo retroceder en el tiempo y corregir los errores que te atormentan ahora.


Danza ante Tu Maestro para complacerlo y sánate Espiritualmente. No te concentres en ti mismo mientras bailas, pero concéntrate en tu Maestro y en el reino espiritual al que viajarás. ¿Por qué centrarse en el reino espiritual al que viajará y cómo sabré a qué reino (dimensiones espirituales infinitas)?
  Serás enseñado por Solus Dominus Alcanzarás la Nueva Realidad. Estos reinos espirituales son la Realidad Verdadera. Estos son también los reinos que puedes visitar y Viajar en el Tiempo Espiritual @ La Velocidad del Pensamiento.
No hay danza correcta o incorrecta, es la actitud espiritual y la mentalidad de la persona que baila. ¿Cómo obtienes esa actitud espiritual y mentalidad que te llevará a la verdadera iluminación espiritual? Sigues al Maestro que puede enseñarte cómo alcanzar la Verdadera Iluminación Espiritual. Usted nunca puede ser Iluminado a través de un Falso Profeta y un Falso Maestro... un "gurú" Fraude o el así llamado "maestro", quien en realidad, no es más que el ciego espiritual que guía a otro ciego.
No hay otro Maestro Espiritual en la Tierra que los guíe hacia la Verdadera Iluminación Espiritual. ¿Sabes que solo hay Una Luz Verdadera y Pura, y que la Luz Pura es la fuente de la Iluminación y del Amor Verdadero, Puro y Eterno? La Luz y el Amor son Uno y lo mismo y no pueden separarse ni destruirse.
Solus Dominus.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

How This "Humble Beginnings" Worldwide Movement Will Be Supported ( for now )

I would appreciate it if you would purchase some of my journals to help support this future worldwide movement. Solus Dominus

Currently we are not set-up for Credit Cards donations and we are not a 501(c)3, But
even if it is a $2 / month donation through  or$TheLordMaster , it would be greatly appreciated