Friday, June 30, 2023


What's going on in France (riots) ? The same thing that's going on in the USA...The Globalists are stirring the pot of Anarchy so that they can bring in Martial Law...which will be the end of our freedoms, as they implement Global Slavery...When street crime is not only allowed to flourish, But is promoted by the Government and the Global Elite , the Shadow Government that actually run the show and call the will get to the point when average citizens are begging for Martial Law, to put an end to violent crime, street gangs, etc. in America...The government will eventually and gladly step in and implement Martial Law, So that THEY can get exactly what they have always wanted, Complete Control of All American Citizens.
You don't have to believe this, It's your choice and only my opinion...
  • Not to be satisfied simply with fulfilling the principal and absolutely necessary duties of my state in life. 
  • Embrace joyfully and eagerly every practice of Good / Helping Others, that can also assist me to make progress towards the perfection that I still fall so dreadfully short of. 
  • To tend in short towards that perfection as if towards my natural element, and to be really convinced therefore, that any action, or some practice, however small, futile, lowly, or common it may seem, may be of service to me, But more importantly, To be of Service to Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. The more that you serve Your Master, Solus Dominus, The deeper your Spiritual Enlightenment will be manifested. 
  • In other words, The only way to help yourself, is to help others ( and for most people in 2023, this principle is of interest to them, Therefore most people never receive the help and healing that they need. 
        Join The Master's Co-Op Community, and you can choose Texas or Arizona

Just because we use a tag doesn't mean that we endorse a specific topic or person.

Tags; #spiritual

These TAGS are only listed because we need an investor ( or investors )to develop 50 acres of land outside of a small town in West Texas ), The message can only go as far as the dollar can carry it. Also see the page on this blog "wants and needs" for other needs, not wants.

Letter from God

Just because we use a tag doesn't mean that we endorse a specific topic or person.

Tags; #spiritual

These TAGS are only listed because we need an investor ( or investors )to develop 50 acres of land outside of a small town in West Texas ), The message can only go as far as the dollar can carry it. Also see the page on this blog "wants and needs" for other needs, not wants.