Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Enlightened Master is NOT and NEVER Was Osho

If you do your homework on this subject, You will discover that there were 
( and still are ) Many Toxic, Horrific Cults that are YOGA-based, and YOGA
Meditation-based. If you are trying to use Yoga and Yoga Meditation for so-called
spiritual benefits, spiritual enlightenment...You are going down the wrong path !!!
You are wasting your time, money, energy...and possibly your soul with something 
that is complete NONSENSE at the very least. 


Contact Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment Immediately, If You have interest in any of the following topics;

  • Attaining True Spiritual Enlightenment
  • Spiritual BDSM 
  • True Sacred Sexuality ( A World Apart From Anything You Could Ever Imagine )
  • Women's Metaphysical Reality Based Self-Defense
  • Live in The Master's Co-Op Community, Arizona
  • Live in The Master's Co-Op Community, Future Community in Texas
  • Live in The Master's Co-Op Community, Future Community in The Philippines
  • Financial Investment In Any Project That The Master Is Engaged In. For Additional Information Related To Investments, or: ( Tumblr Account ) ( Tumblr Account ) True BDSM From The Master Is Not What You Think It Is. ( Tumblr Account )

The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Training Also Involves Non-Sexual, Spiritual and Physical Nudity, Submission, and Dance. Exposure to Some of These Topics Are on the following blogs, even though the blogs are not organized and are not on a professional-level.  

Use of any of these Tags does not mean that any specific topic or person is endorsed.

#visitphilippinesagain2023 #tealswan
#photo #unconditionallove
#stylish #solusdominus #enlightenedmaster

Monday, August 14, 2023

Spiritual Life Coach and Your Life Purpose

 Master / slave relationship is consensual and for adults only...

You can join The Master's Co-Op Community at any age ( over 18 ) "joining", This means that you are allowed to apply. It does not mean that you will be one of the Chosen. 

Many tags were used for #Yoga, But we do not endorse or promote Yoga...Using Yoga for Spiritual Reasons is complete nonsense. And even more than useless, It is very toxic.

Even though they are not organized, Visit these blogs for videos, images, and additional text: All blogs include videos and images of nude or partially nude women. It is not nudity for the sake of nudity on a physical-realm ( superficial-level ), You will learn that non-sexual female nudity has a very profound reason, Related to attaining True Spiritual Enlightenment, Through The Only True Master, Solus Dominus. ( This is consensual for adults only )


#yogateacher #tealswan
 #spirituality #shadowwork #spiritualjourney #selflove #selfcare #love #healing #eckharttolle #starseed #osho #waynedyer #consciousness #thichnhathanh #nikolatesla #quantumphysics #awareness #spiritualawakening #awakening #aristotle #stephenhawking #brenebrown #astrology #lawofatraction #quantumleap #quantumentanglement #quantumjumping #everythingismadeofenergy #karma #braneandstringtheory #lifecoach #lifepurpose #guru #shaman #shamanism ( don't take it lightly, That shamanism and gurus are nonsense, serve no purpose whatsoever if you are interested in true spiritual enlightenment. 

I'm not judging Teal Swan, as far as the tags that come up when you use her name in a hashtag search. I use tags to attract people to my blog who are involved with a specific person or topic, so i'm not saying that she actually endorses this topics or people. I hope that she is not aligning herself with Oprah and/or "Osho"...Considering that the so-called Osho is one of the most toxic cult leaders in history. 

Monday, July 31, 2023

Solus Dominus, The One Master Has Been Chosen


One Master has been chosen. 

Do you run to the Truth, or do you run from the Truth ?

Society is drowning in Information, While starving for Wisdom. This is one of the reasons why we are living in the Age of Deception.

According to Politically Correctness, We should ignore Facts and Truth and embrace their doctrine of “right is wrong, and wrong is right”...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Photos 1 | Solus Dominus, The Only Spiritual Master

 I am going to make a few bold statements, Just as an example of how you must adjust your mind-set. If you are ashamed of the female breast in the photo above, or that there is some sinister agenda attached to female nudity, or that you continue your misguided definition and comprehension of Polyamory...and not come to the realization that nudity in and of itself, is not sexual, or that Polyamory should be taken out of context, and defined as sexually focused, or sexual in any way, shape or form...You will NEVER experience True Spiritual Enlightenment. 

  • Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ~ Albert Einstein
  • Without submission to the Physical-Realm, and the True Master Solus Domnus, You will not experience the realization and be able to develop the insight and discernment of what it ( True Reality ) is, You will never transition to the True Spiritual-Realm. 
  • Without appropriate submission to the Master, Your mind, body, emotions, spirit and soul are locked, and cannot be opened. Appropriate is in Italics because it is a very key word. Appropriate is what separates being with The Master who can open the entire Spiritual Realm to You and attain True Spiritual Enlightenment...or Inappropriate submission to a False teacher is the road to disaster. Almost all women over the age of 18 have given their gift of submission to the WRONG man. The act and mind-set of Submission , was not the problem. The problem was WHO their submission was given to.
  • Follow and be Under The Teaching and Protection of The Master Solus Dominus. 
  • There is One True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. 
  • There is One Path, One Journey to Attain Enlightenment. 
  • The Master Has Become One With The One 
  • The One is The Source of Infinite Intelligence,
  • The Master Has Become One With The One, The Source of Infinite Dimensions 
  • and Your Future Ability to Be Able to Travel @ The Speed of Thought to any Spiritual
  • Dimension, And Use What is Contained in Infinite Dimensions For Your Benefit and The Benefit of The World...Only If You ( and They ),Are Willing to go Through What is Necessary to Transition From The Physical-Realm to The true Spiritual-Realm...And The Spiritual-Realm is The Only True, Infinite Reality. 
  • The Master is a Contrarian. Everything That You Think That You Know About The Spiritual-Realm, Spirituality, Meditation, Yoga, and Other Topics Within The "New Age Melting Pot", Will Not Be Part of The Master's curriculum.
Your True Life Purpose is to attain Spiritual Enlightenment, Which can only be achieved through The Master, Solus Dominus. Join our co-op community

Do you believe that you can practice Polyamory while you are out on a day hike.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Run to The Master ( Truth ), Run From Any "New Age Guru" ( Lies )

One Master has been chosen. 

Do you run to the Truth, or do you run from the Truth ?

Society is drowning in Information, While starving for Wisdom. This is one of the reasons why we are living in the Age of Deception.

According to Politically Correctness, We should ignore Facts and Truth and embrace their doctrine of “right is wrong, and wrong is right”...  ( This will be the new blog )

There are so many elements of the Master's teaching, this short message is not the time and place to go into the details...Here are a few topics; unconditional love, The Master's principles, protocol and benefits of Polyamory ( not Polygamy ), getting all of the ATTENTION and AFFECTION that you deserve and crave. Knowing the differences between nudity and sex, affection and sex, appropriate attention...this is NOT a sex cult or sex commune. It is a place to learn, love and develop into an Enlightened, Evolved Spiritual Being...You must first learn what True Physical and Spiritual Submission consists of, as you move more and more from the Physical-realm to the Spiritual-realm...You can only attain TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment through The Master, Solus Dominus.

The Master is Contrarian. If you are a follower of a false teacher, so-called guru, etc. , usually through the "new age melting pot", and have been indoctrinated and content with the "popular" so-called spiritual benefits of Yoga and Meditation ( which, in reality, are extremely Toxic and are of no benefit...even the ( physical ) stretching methods and poses are not worth the risk of being involved in Yoga. Truth is very seldom "popular", and the fact that Yoga and Meditation ( as being currently taught around the world ), are very popular, should be a red flag...The "sheeple" usually lack discernment and insight, and the Yoga and Meditation instructors at the top of the pyramid, or the leader of one of the many cults that are Yoga and Meditation based, are nothing but the Spiritually Blind Leading, Leading The Spiritually Blind ...Solus Dominus