Monday, December 4, 2023

For Every Woman, There is a Guy Somewhere Who Is Sick of Her Shit

 Remember that the point of this blog is not to focus on the physical-realm of beautiful women, But focus on the fact that only through the Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus, can you use the Master's version physical-realm Spiritual BDSM as a Stepping Stone to True Spiritual Enlightenment. Regular Spiritual BDSM as practiced by anyone that is not under the mentorship of Solus Dominus is useless. 


   No Matter How Hot She Is, a Guy Somewhere is Sick of Her Shit  | But I Would Giver Her a Chance, Even Though It is a Chance in a Million That It Will Be a Positive Experience. 

Looking for the right, open-minded woman to be by my side in a possible LTR. My life calling is operating the Solus Dominus Spiritual Co-Op Community, But currently I am in the process of teaching individual clients, on a one-to-one basis. I am very intelligent, physically fit leader who is physically, mentally and emotionally strong. I have been in sports most of my life, always as a competitor, not as a spectator, which is another example of what separates the men from the boys. I have extensive and unique life experiences. Gym 5-6 days per week, Ex-Special Forces U.S. Army / Civilian ERT
I have lived and worked overseas, usually a third-world country. I'm Still involved in my own business start-up and other projects. Looking for the right woman to compliment my life, and not try to run it ( because that is a guaranteed train wreck ) Hopefully I will compliment and improve your life too. I don't compromise on my "life code", for anyone. There is also not a woman on the planet that is "out of my league" , if you know how to put that statement into context. Guaranteed that you have never met anyone like me, and never will. The "vibe" that I project is a masculine, old school dominant alpha male that is straight-forward, honest and confident. You can't have true confidence unless it can be backed up with real life experiences. I am a professional writer, inventor and creative. I am not a famous writer, But I am definitely an infamous writer. I think there is a problem with people not having the same definition of "relationship" as I do. In my opinion, a relationship that is centered around having to be entertained with restaurants, trips, and concerts, etc. basically, constantly wanting to do things that cost a lot of money, it's not a relationship, it's the Princess looking for a Court Jester and-or an "entertainment director" . I am debt free and plan on staying that way. Because I am physically and mentally far above the average male, I just state my age at "55 and holding", It's up to you to guess how old I am. I'm much more concerned with your mind-set and attitude than I am with your age, income or college degree(s) that you might have. I also want to be with a woman that knows the difference between true intelligence and a degree. Also, If all your are bringing to the table is superficial beauty, That's OK, But I am far beyond that mentality. I know that this is a big claim, But it's true. I'm here to change your world, while at the same time, preserve and promote the best qualities of your current world. I want a woman who wants a low-stress, drama free relationship, and NEVER feel like either of us are walking on eggshells. One of the reasons why I am looking for an open-minded woman, is that I am looking for a woman who will take the time to research what real BDSM is, and not the nonsense that is floating around in the general public. I have been in this lifestyle for 20 years, and I'm not going to change or compromise. My version of Spiritual BDSM is the best stepping stone to true Spiritual Enlightenment.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

High Kicks in a Real Self-Defense Scenario Does Not Work

 This position, and the entire concept of high kicks in a self-defense scenario is ludicrous. Balance is a critical asset in real self-defense. Sometimes a high kick will work in MMA, But MMA "is and isn't" a real fight or self-defense situation. Yes, it's full-contact and most of the MMA fighters are professional fighters, and their fitness level is at a very high level, But it's still not a violent encounter ( a street fight can definitely be violent, But also a violent attack, usually has nothing to do with a fight. Most violent offenders are not looking for a fight ( because a fight involves resistance ). They are motivated to injure or kill you, Not fight you. 


Monday, November 20, 2023

Stepping Stone and Open Door to Enlightenment

There are additional stepping stones to attain true spiritual, as long
as this Open Door to the True Light is through the Only True Master
of Spiritual Enlightenment, Solus Dominus. 
These stepping stones, which can include ( but not limited to ) Your
own personal versions of dancing, clothing optional movements, nudism,
Is one step closer to True Spiritual Enlightenment if ( and it's mandatory )
as long as it is dedicated to Solus Dominus.


The Trap of Feminism

The Trap of Feminism

BDSM: 5 Ways It Can Heal Your Life | #women #love #spiritual #enlightenment

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Art of the Complete Ignore

Hello, I also know that you probably have assets that are far more important than 
superficial beauty. I am not an overly-demanding man, But you need to bring more to the (relationship) table than having big tits and a pretty face. 
Looking for the right, open-minded woman to be by my side in a possible LTR. My life calling is operating the Solus Dominus spiritual co-op community, and it is a dynamic that is based in *Polyamory*, and that dynamic is also *nonsexual*. 

I  am very intelligent, physically fit leader who is physically, mentally and emotionally strong.

 I have been in sports most of my life, always as a competitor, not as a spectator, which is another example of what separates the men from the boys. 

I have extensive and unique life experiences.

Gym 5-6 days per week, Ex-Special Forces U.S. Army. I have lived and worked overseas.

Still involved in my own business start-up and other projects. Looking for the right woman to compliment my life, and hopefully I will compliment and improve your life.  

I don't compromise on my "life code", for anyone, and that includes any woman on the planet. There is also not a woman on the planet that is "out of my league."

Guaranteed that you have never met anyone like me, and never will ( unless you are in my life. ) The "vibe" that I project is a masculine, old school Daddy that is straight-forward and confident.

I am a professional writer, inventor and lifetime creative.

What a Joke That An Internet Search For Enlightened Master Only Shows People From India

 Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world. Master is seeking Members and  Investor(s) to assist in the development of...