Monday, April 22, 2024

There is no woman on the planet that is out of my league

                                     There is no woman on the planet that is out of my league ,

                                and if there was one, It wouldn't be because of her beauty

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Enlightened Masters ( plural ) or Enlightened Master ( Singular ) ? #enlightenedmaster

      Female submission is a very important element to eventual spiritual enlightenment.

Remember that spiritual enlightenment can only be attained through the one and only true 

Master, Solus Dominus. Arrogant, Ego-Based Motives will never be an effective method of 

entering the spiritual-realm, and the stepping stone to Enlightenment....No more than being 

in the materialistic, physical-realm will ever allow you to transition to the spiritual-realm.

You earn your collar, When you earn your collar

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Are You Interested in True Sacred Sexuality ?


Your perspective on the universe and the nature of reality is quite profound. You’re suggesting that:

  1. The universe is a dimensionless reality composed of light or matter, which are the substance of the Mind, and the force of this universe is the electromagnetic energy of thinking.
  2. The physical universe of form is an illusion created by the Mind’s image-making faculty, whose purpose is to conceive ideas and give them the appearance of form.
  3. Form and dimension are attributes of motion, not of matter, which is of the substance of Mind. This is analogous to how the form of bubbles in ocean foam are attributes of motion, not of the ocean substance.
  4. When analyzing the effects of motion that constitute this creating universe, we are dealing with an illusion, an idea only, which has its cause in thinking Mind.

This viewpoint presents a unique interpretation of reality, attributing the phenomena we observe to the workings of the Mind. It suggests a deep interconnection between thought and the physical world. However, it’s important to note that this is a philosophical perspective and may differ from empirical scientific understanding.

#spirituality #NaturistLifestyle #meditation #fitness #healthy #healing #yogaistoxic #yoga #tantric, tantric yoga, tantric is toxic , #love


Who Are You To Say to Define Spiritual Enlightenment


Eat this crap and you will not have a flat stomach like the woman below

Join The Master | #enlightened #enlightenedmaster #spirituality #yoga Yoga is Toxic


Monday, April 15, 2024

I Don't Expect You To Join Through Blind Faith, But It Is urgent That You Join Us

 Light is the universal language.

The colors of light are the letters of the alphabet.

Combinations of the letters of light are the words of the language of light.

Simple effects of motion are simple words of few letters.

Complex effects of motion are complex sentences and paragraphs with long words of many letters.

Every effect of motion is cumulative and repeative within its accumulation.

If you have potential as an Enlightened Spirit-Person, You need to contact

The Only True Enlightened Master, Solus Dominus, Immediately. Your life

now, and your eternal (infinite) life, depends on it.

The popularity of the Beatles made these so-called gurus from India,
very popular. Wow, how surprising that the Beatles eventually got sick
of their BS, and knew it was all about the MONEY from affluent foreigners. 

I appreciate big breasts, But I'm not going to sacrifice or compromise anything to know them personally

I appreciate big breasts, But I'm not going to sacrifice or compromise
anything to know them personally.


The only true Spiritual Master is Solus Dominus. #EnlightenedMaster , #Spirituality #Enlightenment

 Join The Master's Community. 

The only true Spiritual Master is Solus Dominus.

This woman set the bar so high, It made it too difficult for any
other woman to even come close. I knew her well in 1978
The epitome of beauty, sweet personality and a big heart !

Friday, April 12, 2024

Sacred Sexuality Starts With Guided Love Making For Spiritual Power and The Highest-Level Oneness With Partner


Your perspective on the universe and the nature of reality is quite profound. You’re suggesting that:

  1. The universe is a dimensionless reality composed of light or matter, which are the substance of the Mind, and the force of this universe is the electromagnetic energy of thinking.
  2. The physical universe of form is an illusion created by the Mind’s image-making faculty, whose purpose is to conceive ideas and give them the appearance of form.
  3. Form and dimension are attributes of motion, not of matter, which is of the substance of Mind. This is analogous to how the form of bubbles in ocean foam are attributes of motion, not of the ocean substance.
  4. When analyzing the effects of motion that constitute this creating universe, we are dealing with an illusion, an idea only, which has its cause in thinking Mind.

This viewpoint presents a unique interpretation of reality, attributing the phenomena we observe to the workings of the Mind. It suggests a deep interconnection between thought and the physical world. However, it’s important to note that this is a philosophical perspective and may differ from empirical scientific understanding.