Friday, June 28, 2024

Spiritual Enlightenment | Enlightened Master | #EnlightenedMaster

 Master Saneiv Will Teach You How To Attain Spiritual Enlightenment, But Enlightenment will not be served to you on a silver platter. 

If you were wondering why there is an abundance of beautiful and /or "clothing optional" women on my blogs...the reason why is connected to the Master's Sacrament, and the relationship between and the transition through the physical-realm to the spiritual-realm 

The Master's Definition and Practice of Sacrament;

Spiritual sign, symbol and/or action, in which a spiritual

power is transmitted through material / physical elements

as channels of divine grace and love.

I have permission from the UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia to use any part of the intellectual property of Walter Russell, including, but not limited to the book The Universal One.


An exact science of the One visible and invisible universe

of Mind and the registration of all idea of thinking Mind

in light, which is matter and also energy ...



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Master Saneiv Will Teach You How To Attain Spiritual Enlightenment Through Body-Mind-Spirit

 Master Saneiv Will Teach You How To Attain Spiritual Enlightenment Through Body-Mind-Spirit...Both Infinite ( Eternal )

If you were wondering why there is an abundance of beautiful and /or "clothing optional" women on my blogs...the reason why is connected to the Master's Sacrament, and the relationship between and the transition through the physical-realm to the spiritual-realm 

The Master's Definition and Practice of Sacrament;

Spiritual sign, symbol and/or action, in which a spiritual

power is transmitted through material / physical elements

as channels of divine grace and love.

The Master's Definition and Practice of Sacrament;

Spiritual sign, symbol and/or action, in which a spiritual

power is transmitted through material / physical elements

as channels of divine grace and love.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Master Saneiv Has No Pretense of Piety. There is no such thing as "Unconditional Love"


Here's a message for Humankind, and it's an urgent request, ( and this request is NOT asking for money ), If You Are a Christian ( or Would Like To Be a REAL Christian ), Then this is what you MUST do, and not put it off. Analyze this proposal, pray about it, then step out in faith and join the one and only true spiritual master in the world. When I use the term "faith" , it does not mean "blind faith"...You will always be able to come and go as you please. This is where Biblical Christianity and the pure light, love and God meet in the spiritual-realm, But also on earth. Master Saneiv resides in Arizona. There are only 2 true spiritual vortexes on earth. One is in Arizona ( But definitely not Sedona, Az. ) , and the other is in the Philippines. ( so far not located or tapped, But through spiritual revelation and vision, The fact is that it is there, and it needs to be explored and opened for the benefit to humanity, At least for the believers in Master Saneiv. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

If a Mantra Does Not Originate With The One True Spiritual Master, Then It is a Waste of Time

"The 120 Club"...
I do not date any woman over 120 lbs., UNLESS
they have some great asset that makes up for the
extra weight ( pretty face, great personality, big tits ? )...Women, Don't let 
anyone tell you that it's great that you are 40+ lbs.
overweight, Because it's BS..If they care for you
at all, They would not allow you to be at a weight
that is very unhealthy and that will eventually
kill you. I have dated 4 adult women in their mid 30's 
to 40's that were 4 ft. 10in. to 5ft. 1in. and weighed 80-85 lbs. 

You are trying to mix the physical-realm  with the spiritual-realm. 

If a Mantra does not originate with the one true spiritual

master of enlightenment, Solus Dominus, Then it is a complete 

waste of time, it’s irrelevant nonsense. Learn true enlightenment, 

and hundreds of other “contrarian” teachings. 

 There are no multiple / plural spiritual masters or gurus. Saneiv is the ONE Spiritual Master in the world. Attain true spiritual enlightenment and be a key figure in attaining World Peace, once enlightened through Saneiv. Master is located in Arizona,

The Master is a *Contrarian*, So don't expect *conformist* answers to life's biggest questions.

The government needs to stop this crap and throw these people in prison for life.

But we have a vice president in the United States that started a link in Minnesota donating funds to make sure that the violent antifa rioters would never do any jail time. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Not For Sale Through This Blog , But You Might Want to Ask Master About Them

 Master has nothing to do with these titles, But I had them published 

through Amazon...go figure !!!

There's approximately 215 more that I had published through Amazon

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Sacred Sexuality Secret Society | Arizona | Seeking #Investors #investments


Investor(s) wanted for developing the Solus Dominus Spiritual Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community. Arizona-Texas-Philippines

Arizona ( where Master currently resides ), Texas ( where I have access to 50 acres

of undeveloped land near Paulville, Texas )...

Philippines, expenses paid for at least 6 months out of every year. All co-op communities will be self-sufficient within 2 years.


There are other projects, investments, donations available;

( this is not a 501(c)3 organization. )

1) Donation of a vehicle of any type as long as it is running and reliable.

2) And/or use of any vehicle. 

3) Use of an extra room in your home, or extra residential or commercial space.

4) Use of your talents and/or labor to assist The Master, Solus Dominus.

eg. Housekeeper, general cleaning, organizing, massages, donation for building a simple website with blog feature, etc.

The Master has stated that "True Spiritual Enlightenment that can only be attained through The Master Solus Dominus, Will not be served to you on a silver platter. 

Radical Overuse of the term Narcissism needs to stop, 99.99% of the time it's nothing but crude propaganda


Narcissism ? You should be, Because
in America it's being crammed down out throats everyday. 
Yes, There is a real medical condition, The medical term for narcissism is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) NPD is a mental health condition that's characterized by a pattern of grandiosity, fantasies of unlimited power or importance, and the need for admiration or special treatmentPeople with NPD also have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance, and lack empathy. While many people occasionally behave in a narcissistic way, people with NPD have problems that affect their relationships and everyday life. 99.99% of the people using the term "Narcissist" is complete nonsense. 
Of course, it is usually attached to males. Before it was usually termed "Male Ego",
But that might indicate that the two genders are NOT equal...So they needed to 
remove the male part of the term. So what we are left with is Toxic Feminist 
and Government Propaganda. 
Side note; In the definition of Narcissist, it contains this statment; the need for admiration or special treatment pretty much desribes EVERY WOMAN ON THE PLANET...The need for women to get attention is off the charts...

ANY time that a government creates a new term to cram down our throats, You can guarantee that it's BS...It's like every news channel in America all saying the same propaganda terms on the same day, or bombard us for a week, month, etc.

Secret Sacred Sexuality Society 

Being a member of a Secret Society does not mean that non-members 

do not know that it exists, But it does mean that they are not a part of it.

The only way that you can attain true spiritual enlightenment and

True Sexual Enlightenment as one of the Key Stepping Stones, 

is through Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Friday, May 3, 2024

You can be an Alpha Female, But you must still be #submissive and #obedient to your #Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus


 You Can Be An Alpha Female , But You Must Still Be Submissive and Obedient to Your Spiritual Master.

                     Do you have a problem being in a spiritual-sacred sexual-spiritual BDSM harem ?

Meditation, Hours of Extended Meditation, Is Very Toxic and is a Cult Tactic


If you join the Master, Solus Dominus, in his spiritual co-op community, You will not
need physical self-defense training. Security problems will be taken  care of by The Master.
If Master is not available, Those security problems will be taken care of on a Spiritual-Level.

                                                          Now that's a small swimsuit

To Know The Right Way of Spirituality, You Need to Know What is Wrong Spirituality

 A couple of the many WRONG forms of spirituality is; Taylor Swift "devine feminism" , Transhumanism / AI ( artificial intelligence ), DMT / Astral-realm...



In my opinion, She is one of the most beautiful Women in the world, and she is not "out of 

my league"...Only because "my league" is not determined by physical beauty, and it is not 

in the physical-realm. 

The photo below, No comment,
Other than the saying "brains are the new tits" sounds
like feminist BS...
Just a little bit of advice that you didn't ask for. There are a high
percentage of women in American society that have little, to absolutely no value
for a long-term relationship. 

One Guess, Which saying is true ?