Monday, October 7, 2024

Celebrity Cult Leader From Suburbia | Guru Jagat and Yogi Bhajan | All Kundalini, Yoga, etc. is BS Nonsense

This is the TRUTH. Saneiv is the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world.
If you have carefully looked at Yoga and the group that so-called gurus from India target,
You will see an obvious, and obviously gullible group of primarily white, upper-middle class women. Usually thin and have above-average flexibility BEFORE they ever walked into a yoga class. They didn't start off stiff and 250 lbs...
These women usually have too much money and too much time on their hands...and most
of the male gurus would love to separate them from their money, and have sex with them.
In your wildest dreams, Even the most basic "poses" ( which were formulated as worship to Hindu so-called diety, But are actually very evil spirits ), (continued ) do you think that a guru sitting around most of the day cross-legged is a healthy position to be you really think this position is good for your circulation ? Most of these guys do not live out a normal life span. The human body is meant to work, then replenish with good food ( which includes REAL protein foods, Not living on vegetables...and by real foods I don't mean living on steak ), Then do hard physical labor again, and repeat. Through plenty of good water, good bowel movements, and doing hard physical work that makes you SWEAT, You will remove toxins from your body. This is the beneficial, natural way to stay healthy; Body and Spirit connection. It is also extremely important for Mental Health. Have you ever seen a "guru" that looks like he ( or she ?) is very fit and active. Maybe if Osho rode a Harley to the gym to pump some iron and broke a sweat...Rather than driving around in one of the 93 Rolls-Royces that he owned, he wouldn't have been talking about suicide, and died at 58 years old. 
If you want to follow the only real spiritual master in the world,
Then follow Saneiv. Watch any of the short intro videos, Then
contact Master directly;

Saturday, October 5, 2024 | New Group For Spiritual Master Saneiv


The Name of The Only True Spiritual Master is Saneiv, and He Resides Near The Superstition Mountains.
Throw away all of your pre-conceived ideas concerning Spirituality, Enlightenment, Gurus...To think that a so-called spiritual guru from India has some inherent value is Ludicrous. They are nothing but the blind leading the blind. Master Saneiv has no connection with India, Hinduism, Yoga ( Yoga is Very Toxic )...Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BD*M is the First Step in the Stepping Stones to True Spiritual Enlightenment. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Discover Why Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is so Valuable For Spiritual Enlightenment


Waiting to be collared in the morning

We do not promote or tolerate Sadism in Master's spiritual BDSM community and lifestyle.

If your wife doesn't meet you at the door like this, You are
being short-changed. She doesn't need to meet you at the door
naked, Because that is a form of attempted control of the man by
the woman. The Husband should always be the one that chooses
when, where and how sex is initiated. 

If you are like most people, You have no idea what is going on in the
non-vanilla lifestyle of true BDSM. There is a huge difference between
an actor or porn "actress" wearing a collar for their business, and a true
female submissive who has EARNED her collar. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Female Submission Must Never Be Taken For Granted, Submission is a Gift To Master and Your Dom

 A physically naked woman isn't really naked unless she is not wearing her collar. Her collar ( and the spiritual ceremny of being collared ) is the sign, the symbolism of being "clothed" in righteousness. A woman cannot be saved and enlightened, without being in the spiritual state of submission and obedience. No other "religious" action is required by a female...You are covered by the submission and obedience in your heart. Regardless how you were raised as a child, YOU can change your mind-set through Master Saneiv, Becoming ONE with the ONE (Saneiv), Who is ONE with God. ( Saneiv is NOT God, and if anyone claims to be God...RUN for your life !!!

It might seem like a paradox, But a woman shows her respect and submission
to Spiritual Master Saneiv by being obedient and submissive during her initial
training, and by wearing her collar that she has earned. When you earn something 
through hard work, and "paying your dues", It means much more to you. Your
collar is symbolic of Master being with you at all times, Even though physically, He
might be at a great distance from you. 
To be without your collar ( and your "collar" can also be the ring of Master Saneiv,
a discreet collar, or a bracelet approved my Master Saneiv. Master's spiritual BDSM
collar is not a "dog collar"...see where the ring is located.

Example of a "discreet collar", which is a dainty necklace, But must have the ring.

Once you are collared in the morning by Master Saneiv in your training phase,
or by your Dom after training...You will assume the position above, to show your
respect, honor, submission and obedience to Master Saneiv, and to your Dom ( if
he is Deemed Worthy. Females must be submissive and obedient, But their Male Dom
or Female Domme, must earn the obedience of their submissive and appreciate the female gift of submission. Female Submission must never be taken for granted.