Thursday, February 22, 2024

Every Woman Wants to Feel Small and Have Her Man Break Her


I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.

Bi-Ladies There is a Great Opportunity for Being in a Trouple #poly #polyamorous #love


I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Do You Really Want Global Peace ? It Starts With Solus Dominus, The Only True Enlightened Master

  I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.

There are 3 locations that should be developed in some way, For the Master's Spiritual Enlightenment 
and Spiritual BDSM Communities. 
Arizona ( Master's Current Residence )



The message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it

Friday, February 9, 2024

Being With The One True Spiritual Master is Your Destiny and Life Purpose


This is a side note about your question, and then you can read a general note from The Master, below this first message. God, ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, Where Love and Light are One ), The Only way that you will be able to truly “move on” is to “move into” , and this refers to the fact that everything that has ever existed, still exists, just not here in this specific dimension. There are 2 main ways that you can “move in” and experience, and even alter reality in Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. I.E. You can visit and experience your “past life” …The true definition of “past life” is not how people define it in spirituality communities, or how “so-called masters” define it. Master Solus Dominus is the Only Spirit-Human who can teach you how to visit the correct Infinite Spiritual Dimension at the speed of thought, Not the speed of light. Physics is limited by being in the Physical-realm. Speed of light is limited and to a physicst, Dimensions are limited. Our key word and principle is Spiritual ( Spiritual Dimensions ) If this is of interest to you, Let Master know and we can start the communication process.

Greetings, Nothing personal, But I would prefer if people on this site would think twice about asking questions related to Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga, Considering that it is a horrific CULT and has damaged and/or destroyed a LOT of people. It’s very easy to Google this topic and how it was founded as a very toxic cult. Most of the questions that people ask about Kundalini, are actually trying to promote the cult, but is disguised as a “questions” …

As the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment , Anyone that is accepted to train with Master, Once you embrace the training, all of your questions will take care of themselves. Most questions related to spirituality on this site are related to a “solution to a problem that doesn’t exist” IF ( and only IF ), You are enlightened or in the process of being enlightened through Solus Dominus.

The volume of requests that I receive is so high, for questions related to the spiritual-realm, That I need to go back to general posts, rather than answering specific questions, Unless the person becomes a student / follower, Then the training itself will answer all of your questions, Not only on a personal level, But also related to why the teaching of The Master Solus Dominus will not only enlighten your “self” and your “being”, But you will learn how Infinite Spiritual Intelligence for Global Unity and Global Peace is very possible, But ONLY through the One and Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus. It might sound like a paradox to teach the Only True Way to Global Peace ( a Global Spiritual Movement ), and at the same time, Knowing that the human nature of the average unenlightened person is to run TO lies, and run FROM truth. You will learn how this “contradiction in terms, concepts and principles” can be overcome through Solus Dominus. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Do Not Promote or Encourage Toxic Feminism or Feminists

 Promote and encourage women with FEMININE traits, long, beautiful hair is obviously a positive asset. Do not promote or encourage toxic feminism. 

Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety. 

**Misogynistic** ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )


The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population. 

Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...

What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.

This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Over-Use of Narcissistic and Misogynistic is Ludicrous


Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety. 

Misogynistic ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )


  • The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population. 

Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...
What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importanceThey need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.

This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

In Case You Don't Know This, We Will Be Involved in World War III Very Soon


I will protect and provide for a female feminine submissive as much as I can, But I don't need an Ostrich who has their head stuck in the sand about what is going on in the world in 2024, and I definitely have no need for a toxic feminist, no value to me whatsoever.  

We are in a so-called "controlled" world war that is escalating every day. The only reason that the **Global Elite** ( the shadow global government ) isn't officially saying that we are going to be involved in World War III , Because they know that it will instantly collapse the Stock Markets and throw us into an extreme economic depression ( which is not in the best interest of the Global Elite that need the "worker bees" to keep working ), Anyone with any brains should be scared shitless about what is going to happen in the very near future. While at the same time, our current court jester "leader" is opening our southern border, and his goal and the goal of the socialists in Washington DC want to completely open our borders, so any terrorist ( or foreign military ), can come into our country with no restrictions whatsoever. Common-sense would tell you that this is complete insanity. 

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